Wow... Zogby has Herman Cain at #2!

I think many would argue that simply being pro-life does not a social conservative make.

Others would argue that being pro life does a social conservative fact most would. The left have been successful in marginalizing what it means to be socially conservative to just those who wish to have government "impose legislation". Social conservatism is also about the protection of the nuclear family and protection from legislation that they feel attacks that ideal-that is the side of social conservatism, that many libertarians, can and do take a stand. Fighting against social liberalism being legislated is where you will see votes from libertarian republicans like Paul-look at his voting record. Just saying "it's a states rights issue" is too simplistic- When discussing abortion, pro life libertarians, do see a Constitutional protection of life in the argument.
Willard Romney is expected to announce his candidacy at a facility which uses embryonic stem cells in research. Now let me ask you... Is this a 'social conservative' throwing God and the Bible in our face and running on the social issues instead of the fiscal? Or is this what Libertarians meant when they said we need to put the social issues on the back burner? I'm just wondering, because it seems to me, it's a moderate who wants to exploit the social issue of stem cell research for political gain. That's pretty amazing since us social conservatives have been brow-beaten and lectured about bringing up social issues. We're told the problem is the social conservatives messing up the agenda by dragging their morality into the mix and taking our eye off the ball... but that's not what we see exemplified here, is it? No, it's the secular anti-religious libertarian who trots out the social issue and throws it in our face, expecting us to just accept it, or be labeled a *gasp* social conservative!
You are wrong that they all had to do with funding...regardless, you finally acknowledged that he's a republican with a libertarian AND social conservative only took 4 responses or so.

Oh what the heck.

My daughter likes your cat.

She noticed it must have a thumb.

I told her "it must talk too".