yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

dude your not getting it.

why does she need to have to sell he last earthy belonging before she dies to pay for her funeral?

because she has such great insurance?

You are a fucking idiot...now you want the government to pay for everyone's funeral cost??? Unless people sign up for life insurance, or saved money for funeral expenses, then the remaining family is stuck with the bill.
You are a fucking idiot...now you want the government to pay for everyone's funeral cost??? Unless people sign up for life insurance, or saved money for funeral expenses, then the remaining family is stuck with the bill.

Yet she says nothing of how much she personally contributed.

This woman didn't die quickly. It's her fault she has to sell everything she owns. I'll bet conservatives tried to beat her down on her prices.

Here's the real problem, and yes Evince, it is because of failed conservative ideology that Reagan started, Bush pushed thru and Clinton signed.
By not taking care of American workers and industry, or even acting in the best interests of this country, conservative ideology and greed has ruined democracy, our country and many people's lives that can't pay for healthcare or basic living needs.

Here's what 30 yrs of 'greed is good' - trickle down - the lie that globalization will rise all boats - the bullshit idea that this country can survive when the people cant make a living.

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

Welcome to the old south.

you go it
you go it

If someone that can't afford health insurance doesn't make it, it's the fault of people like you who think they deserve someone else's money to buy it yet you won't voluntarily help them yourselves.

It's not one bit greedy for someone like me to want to keep more of what I actually went out and earned. It is greedy when someone who doesn't have what I have demands I pay more in taxes so they can have it handed to them.