yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

Because you asked for a link to his Facebook post. The only way to get it is to friend the person.

no I didn't I asked for a link to prove the man really said what he claims.

somehow this idiot thinks one guy on face book means more than the vast majority of black peoples opinions.
go get a link to prove this was said like you claim it was.

Now you can start by reducing the prison population created by the over policing of African Americans in this country.

Make things like pot legal.

Support inner city schools

END the racism in our court and policing.

Now tell me what the white divorce rate is?

""no I didn't I asked for a link to prove the man really said what he claims.

somehow this idiot thinks one guy on face book means more than the vast majority of black peoples opinions.""
no I didn't I asked for a link to prove the man really said what he claims.

somehow this idiot thinks one guy on face book means more than the vast majority of black peoples opinions.

Desh were are getting that the vast majority of black people don't support households with two loving parents?
Desh, any luck friending my buddy?


Lol that's not Randy in the pic?

I've definitely heard people name drop before but why would I name drop a person no one knows? She asked for a link to his post. Would you give the name of one of your friends to someone on here?
I didn't even listen to the dumb thing because its one guy obviously saying something the cons like to hear.

it means nothing
at the very same rate white people do I bet.

why would YOU suggest otherwise?

Because you just said his opinion doesn't mean more than the majority of blacks implying what he said is different than what most blacks think. So you suggested the majority of blacks don't support two parent loving households
I didn't even listen to the dumb thing because its one guy obviously saying something the cons like to hear.

it means nothing

I posted something a long time friend said that he heard from his professor in African-American studies. I posted it because it is an interesting discussion topic yet you dismiss it as meaning nothing and claiming it's something only cons want to hear?

I even posted the several responses he got from other black people. For being the mouth piece and translator for black America you sure don't seem to care much about what they think.
I didn't buy your story and asked you to link it was actually said by a black person like you were claiming.

you didn't huh

Now its still ONE guy huh?

You repeatedly refuse to give ANY credence to the groups like the NAACP

why should we care about your ONE GUY