yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

yeah your right selling of your last postions so your loved ones don't have to go without food to provide you with a simple funeral is not humiliating.

I quess that is why no one helped her huh
I think airline deregulation was a success and has worked out well for consumers. I'm sure you've seen Desh argue that deregulation (any and all) is an historically failed idea and one that only Republicans practice although one only need to look at the Carter and Clinton Presidencies to see that Democrats have backed deregulation as well.

So, yes, this would take us way off topic. Yes, airline tickets are cheap, but airlines are failing right and left, workers are getting screwed, and quite frankly it's no fun to fly anymore.

The people who got screwed in this case from dereg are the workers. And anyone who wants a decent flight experience.

But yes -if purpose of dereg is cheaper flights, it succeeded.

And I'll stop talking about it on this thread now.

I don't mind it coming up as a side light but I know exactly what he was doing by bringing it up.

Its one of the rights tactics in avoiding discussing race.

they cant win the debate and they know it.

They side with evil

I don't mind it coming up as a side light but I know exactly what he was doing by bringing it up.

Its one of the rights tactics in avoiding discussing race.

they cant win the debate and they know it.

They side with evil

When was race being discussed here?

Man you are all over the place.
Desh is a sociopath... they are normally all over the place... especially when they forget their meds

go look the word up asshole.

there is no meds for sociopathy.

It is people who don't have a brain capable of regular human emotion.

Not all are bad.

some just conform to societys norms about human relations and harm no one.

Others are willing to do anything to get what they want.

like you
go look the word up asshole.

I did, it has a picture of you next to it.

there is no meds for sociopathy.

Nothing that will cure your disease, but anti-psychotic drugs are there to help you Desh.

It is people who don't have a brain capable of regular human emotion.

Like you

Not all are bad.

But you are. So full of hate.

some just conform to societys norms about human relations and harm no one.

Others are willing to do anything to get what they want.

Yes, I know... like you... willing to spread lies and hate in the hopes of furthering your partisan hackery.
yeah your right selling of your last postions so your loved ones don't have to go without food to provide you with a simple funeral is not humiliating.

I quess that is why no one helped her huh

I thought you were opposed to people leaving their money to others? Is there some inalienable right to not pay for your funeral?

Roxanne Allen's set-up in vacant lot in Ozark, Mo. Allen is in the end stages of cancer and is determined not to create a burden for those she leaves behind. So she's selling off her belongings to pay for a funeral and cremation, and has been astonished both by the traffic and to have shoppers "buy a $5 doll and leave $40."

it is quite telling what a demented partisan hack you are...if you read the comments after the article they are all almost all about how kind people are, but you, oh no, you had to take the article and make it negative about republicans...here is the part you left out:

Now an area funeral home has stepped in to cover the cremation, she's been offered a trip on the Branson Belle showboat and a Facebook page has been set up to help her cause, and donors are talking about a trip to the ocean
I thought you were opposed to people leaving their money to others? Is there some inalienable right to not pay for your funeral?

no what you did is not called thought.

what you did was make fucking shit up and claim I said it.

wash your elbows you lying sack of weasel puss
it is quite telling what a demented partisan hack you are...if you read the comments after the article they are all almost all about how kind people are, but you, oh no, you had to take the article and make it negative about republicans...here is the part you left out:

Now an area funeral home has stepped in to cover the cremation, she's been offered a trip on the Branson Belle showboat and a Facebook page has been set up to help her cause, and donors are talking about a trip to the ocean

and charity has NEVER met the needs of the poor huh.

what happened to this woman would happen to MORE people under your right wing platform.

that is a fact
and charity has NEVER met the needs of the poor huh.

what happened to this woman would happen to MORE people under your right wing platform.

that is a fact

my right wing platform...the one where i support expanding medicare to include all ages? you're not very bright.

cite one platform of this supposed right wing group that would cause this...

FACT: charity worked here and has helped the poor, you just hate it because most charity is religious
and charity has NEVER met the needs of the poor huh.

what happened to this woman would happen to MORE people under your right wing platform.

that is a fact

So you are saying that more people would get help as she has? Because that is what happened for her desh.
For you Desh posted on Facebook from my (black) friend who is getting an advanced degree in African-American studies at Cal Berkeley (and yes he is a Democrat who is a big Obama supporter).

""My professor told me the only thing it takes for kids to grow and become productive, successful happy adults is two loving, engaged and informed parents. Many of the issues we face in the African American community stem from the lack if this simple formula. It is that simple. Fixing it is the hard part. Thank you Dr. Frye.- Shawn G.""

Since you are the translator and speaker for black America what can we as Americans do to help promote more loving, engaged and informed parents in the black community?