yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

yeah Im sure she wants all other cancer patients to die if they cant afford healthcare.

BTW which line in the story told you she was anti Obama care?
go start a fucking thread about it diversiontroll

I'm assuming you are talking to me here. You start a thread saying Republican backed historically failed ideas is what put this woman in her current position and Republicans want more of these policies.

Yet showing a Democrat leading the push for an historically failed idea is a diversion troll?

Roxanne Allen's set-up in vacant lot in Ozark, Mo. Allen is in the end stages of cancer and is determined not to create a burden for those she leaves behind. So she's selling off her belongings to pay for a funeral and cremation, and has been astonished both by the traffic and to have shoppers "buy a $5 doll and leave $40."

the republican plan sees reality.

that was the only comment folks.

This is what the reality of your historically failed ideas will bring.

as ususal you fucks just say whatever you want instead of the facts
yeah Im sure she wants all other cancer patients to die if they cant afford healthcare.

BTW which line in the story told you she was anti Obama care?

Which line in the story said she was for Obama care? This entire story is about someone taking personal responsibility and her community rising up to help her. Yet somehow you wish to make this political. Way to be a hate filled hack desh.
oh my little boy you are about to see it.

the whole world now knows just how racist your party is.

they don't like it much.

enjoy your last mouthful of tar dino
I'm assuming you are talking to me here. You start a thread saying Republican backed historically failed ideas is what put this woman in her current position and Republicans want more of these policies.

Yet showing a Democrat leading the push for an historically failed idea is a diversion troll?

Your post wants me to ask why you think airline deregulation is a failed idea - and that will take us way off track. So that would be a diversion.

In terms of this story - we don't have quite enough details, but if she doesn't have money to pay for a funeral, she probably doesn't have money to pay for cancer treatments.

What's the old line - "I look forward to the day when education is fully funded and the military has to hold bake sales"? Re this story - "I look forward to the day when we provide health care for all and the military has to hold yard sales to buy an extra B1 bomber"
we can properly fund our military and make sure people don't die in humiliation and pain due to not being born wealthy
Your post wants me to ask why you think airline deregulation is a failed idea - and that will take us way off track. So that would be a diversion.

In terms of this story - we don't have quite enough details, but if she doesn't have money to pay for a funeral, she probably doesn't have money to pay for cancer treatments.

What's the old line - "I look forward to the day when education is fully funded and the military has to hold bake sales"? Re this story - "I look forward to the day when we provide health care for all and the military has to hold yard sales to buy an extra B1 bomber"

I think airline deregulation was a success and has worked out well for consumers. I'm sure you've seen Desh argue that deregulation (any and all) is an historically failed idea and one that only Republicans practice although one only need to look at the Carter and Clinton Presidencies to see that Democrats have backed deregulation as well.
I have never said deregulation is bad merely because its inherently bad.

I have said a millions times that every time the right talks us into deregulation the people get screwed.

deregulation for deregulations sake is STUPID.

this whole system has to constantly me monitored for the need of revamping the regulations.

Sometimes the solution is deregulating something to some extent.

what you on the right do is just willy nilly deregulate as a go to solution for EVERYTHING
I have never said deregulation is bad merely because its inherently bad.

I have said a millions times that every time the right talks us into deregulation the people get screwed.

deregulation for deregulations sake is STUPID.

this whole system has to constantly me monitored for the need of revamping the regulations.

Sometimes the solution is deregulating something to some extent.

what you on the right do is just willy nilly deregulate as a go to solution for EVERYTHING

Did you find proof that she did not receive treatment?
dude your not getting it.

why does she need to have to sell he last earthy belonging before she dies to pay for her funeral?

because she has such great insurance?

did Obama care give people free funerals?.....or just make it more likely they would have one soon.......