yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality


so between 2007 and 2011 I guess that republicans were to blame for everything even though Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress with a Super Majority...

between 2007 and 20011 all policy was set by Liberals

Republicans havent set policy in years.... and you cant prove otherwise.

Gotta disagree with you here. The Dems had a very slight majority in the Senate after the 2008 elections; remember Al Franken wasn't seated for months and Ted Kennedy died in August of that year.

And the repubs in the Senate used the filibuster to block just about everything. Voting no on everything does help set policy.

We had the house for a couple years, but couldn't do much because of the Senate. And then we lost the majority in the house.

ps - re the story referenced - it's great to see the kindness of strangers who are helping this woman out; but it sucks she had to do it.
This woman is dying and does not have the money to pay for a funeral without selling everything she has left.

how in the hell can anyone claim she got the best treatment possible for her illness knowing that ?

what a fantasy world you guys live in.
do you EVER get sick of fucking lying all the god damned time?

man up you peckerwoods and campaign on what you REALLY believe.

Like you did back in the primary where you dint realize the whole world watched you cheer death repeatedly

So let's get this straight. You start a thread about funeral expenses and when it gets thrown back in your face, you immediately try to argue a point you can't prove. Again, I ask you to prove that she did not get healthcare to treat her cancer. You are looking dumber by the minute. My sense is this is going to turn out as well for you as your argument about passive income. Remember that little diddy?
This woman is dying and does not have the money to pay for a funeral without selling everything she has left.

how in the hell can anyone claim she got the best treatment possible for her illness knowing that ?

what a fantasy world you guys live in.

But, you can't claim that she didn't. It is just speculation. That is why you believe the things you believe because you are all emotion and no facts.
aint got the swing of the sacks to face me huh?

stop fucking lying.

stop fucking lying.

Accept the facts and quit pretending only the bible has facts in it.

and stop twisting everything in the bible that is good to harm people and excuse your complete lack of compassion for others.

would jesus have whipped the money changers if they were working with the local government to feed the poor?

Jesus would have whipped every one of your dead asses

why all the bitterness this morning? If you want to help this woman so badly why don't you take some of those rents you earn gouging people and help her out with your own money? You seem passionate about this woman, just not passionate enough to help her by digging in YOUR own pockets to do so.

Boy, that sure takes compassion to scream and yell about taking money from others to satisfy your own conscience.

On the plus side, at least you have taken a break from dancing on Trayvon's grave;as I knew you would ;)
No you asshole I claimed that your historically failed policy ideas will produce more of this type of situation.

Your just soo stupid and dishonest you refuse to see anything like it is
No you asshole I claimed that your historically failed policy ideas will produce more of this type of situation.

Your just soo stupid and dishonest you refuse to see anything like it is

You mean my ideas that led to her getting her funeral expenses covered and a couple of vacations to boot? Seems like my ideas worked out great. Maybe that is why you are so bitter. The rest of your claims about this woman are ASSumptions not based on fact. You claim to live in FACTS. Yet you have none. You merely speculate. Prove that this woman didn't get treatment for her cancer. Prove it or stop embarrassing yourself.

BTW, your ideas bring us Detroit. Chew on that for a while puddin. And dig deep into your own pockets and help this woman if you care so much. Why are you so greedy that you won't help her? Why so selfish? There is a facebook page and everything. You obviously have the internets. Go there and give freely of your own money. DO IT!
What's left is what's right when all else is wrong. WTF is wrong with you now?
Come out of the closet and be true to your inner conservatard.

Come out of the closet? I didn't think I was being ambiguous.

Republicans are right. They are always right.
You mean my ideas that led to her getting her funeral expenses covered and a couple of vacations to boot? Seems like my ideas worked out great. Maybe that is why you are so bitter. The rest of your claims about this woman are ASSumptions not based on fact. You claim to live in FACTS. Yet you have none. You merely speculate. Prove that this woman didn't get treatment for her cancer. Prove it or stop embarrassing yourself.

BTW, your ideas bring us Detroit. Chew on that for a while puddin. And dig deep into your own pockets and help this woman if you care so much. Why are you so greedy that you won't help her? Why so selfish? There is a facebook page and everything. You obviously have the internets. Go there and give freely of your own money. DO IT!

Prove she did get the treatment if that is where you want to try and take this thing.

Then point out to me the time in mans history when CHARITY took care of EVERONE in need.

this women is what your policy ideas will bring.

it will be a norm.

charity WONT fit the need just like in all times in mans history and you will cheer it.

BTW detriot was ruined By CEOs of the car companies not adapting to the changing demands of their customers.

fucking idiot

Roxanne Allen's set-up in vacant lot in Ozark, Mo. Allen is in the end stages of cancer and is determined not to create a burden for those she leaves behind. So she's selling off her belongings to pay for a funeral and cremation, and has been astonished both by the traffic and to have shoppers "buy a $5 doll and leave $40."

go start a fucking thread about it diversiontroll
Prove she did get the treatment if that is where you want to try and take this thing.

Then point out to me the time in mans history when CHARITY took care of EVERONE in need.

this women is what your policy ideas will bring.

it will be a norm.

charity WONT fit the need just like in all times in mans history and you will cheer it.

BTW detriot was ruined By CEOs of the car companies not adapting to the changing demands of their customers.

fucking idiot

So let me get this straight. You make a claim and then you want me to prove it is false instead of you proving it is right?

As to your phony question about CHAIRY taking care of EVERYONE in need, I never made the claim that it would. Some people are beyond help whether charitable or government. I am more concerned about freedom which you oppose. I could make the same argument about government. We have over 47 programs designed to feed people yet you complain that people go hungry. So apparently your ideas aren't working either.

In my worldview people would make their own decisions and their own preparations. Apparently you don't think you are competent enough to do that. You obviously don't think you are charitable enough on your own otherwise you wouldn't ask that the government force you to help people which is in essence what you are doing.

Why can't you mind your own business? If you really want to help this woman and care about her, then help her. You aren't helping her by bleating incessantly on a message board. Take some of your ill gotten profits from gouging people and help her. Why are you so greedy?
go start a fucking thread about it diversiontroll

you realize your link is about someone who believes in personal responsibility? That she is not sitting back saying 'the federal government should give me 'free' shit'?

It also shows that people WILL help each other out without the government forcing them to.