yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

I didn't buy your story and asked you to link it was actually said by a black person like you were claiming.

you didn't huh

Now its still ONE guy huh?

You repeatedly refuse to give ANY credence to the groups like the NAACP

why should we care about your ONE GUY

So now you're back to saying you did ask for a link?

I stated originally my friend posted it on Facebook. You asked for a link. I told you you would have to friend him on Facebook to see it. Then you asked why would you want to friend him? Because you wanted to see it!

Why do you not believe what my friend said? Because no black professor would say that? It's ok to disagree with what he posted. It's why I posted it, for a discussion.

And are you really saying why should we care what one person says? Does that apply always?
Look at what he wrote today Desh. It's not political about blacks so I know you don't care but this is real life.

""I have to give a mad shout out to Prof. Bryan Brown and his team for organizing the Science in the City camp at Stanford. I wish you could of seen all those beautiful African American kids with lab jackets on learning science. My dream is to have all our kids having opportunities like this. Good job B. Next year I want a bus load of kids coming from Oakland to Stanford!- Shawn G.""
do you EVER get sick of fucking lying all the god damned time?

man up you peckerwoods and campaign on what you REALLY believe.

Like you did back in the primary where you dint realize the whole world watched you cheer death repeatedly
Evince, when will you stop being a partisan cunt?
One more for you Desh then I'll stop. (This is obviously open for anyone to communicate on) Not everything in the black community revolves around voting for Democrats.

Here is discussion my friend started and the responses he got which makes for quite an interesting debate over Booker T's ideals.

"""Over a hundred years ago Booker T. Washington said Black people should solely focus on building a solid economic base and educating the masses with self employment job skills. Don't waste time on a ridge political and judicial system. Focus on self. Black people didn't listen but the Chinese went paid attention and went over to build Chinatowns all over the country, Chinese after schools, etc... From the Chinese Americans thank you Booker T.- Shawn G."""

Response #1 - Black female: And their money stays within THEIR community.

Response #2 - My friend: A police detective told me when investigating a crime in Chinatown they must seek permission from the elders or no one will cooperate with them. That is power. That is what Booker T was talking controlling our communities.

Response #3 - My friend: The whole community should be going door to door for the shooter of Alaysha. Forcing the streets to talk. In the community Booker T envisioned we would never depend on the police.

Response #4 - Black Male #1: i agree and when we were on the move to build the government broke us down like a 2 dollar hoe on friday night at a sailor reunion!as well as are selves.

Response #5 - Black Male #2: You are right Shawn. But don't forget, we were on our way to doing all that, they came in and killed us, burned us down and flattened a whole town.

Response #6 - My friend: Read the history they burned down Chinatowns. They just rebuilt.

Response #7 - Black Male #2: They let them. Chinese have a diff history with the United States than Africans.

Response #8 - My friend: When the Chinese were brought here to help build railroads they faced many of the same challenges as Blacks. The difference were they followed Booker T's plan. Keep to yourself and never trust white America. They focused on self. Blacks believe in the America dream instead realizing you can build your own country with in a country in America. Our history in America should be clearly, can't trust it.

Response #9 - My friend: You are right Unc. That is why we should of followed plan more than the Chinese.

Response #10 - Black Male #2: Chinese still have always had direct ties to their culture, country, language and money. Big difference.

Response #11 - My Friend: I agree but Blacks have had money, banks, and back then ties to African countries. Black leadership decided on a different direction led by Dubois that fought for equal rights in the courts, etc.... We can see how far that has gotten us today. Emmit Till, Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin. The list goes on.....

Response #12 - Black Male #2 - I think we see things the same as far as what should have, and can happen, but i think you might also agree that when you have no direct tie as a race/culture- ie, no real family, no long term relationships(100s OF YEARS) with your original country, and no real stability where you are now calling home,and an established attitude sees you as an ex-slave, that it is 100 times more difficult for us to set up shop here in this country than it is for Asians, and people from the Middle East,etc, who have no break in their lineage. Our relationship with Africa was systematically broken long before we tried to regain our relationship with Africa. A Few black people with money and a few small banks do not compare to the wealth of having a whole Country/family/way of life/and psychological stability of knowing that there is no barrier at all between you and your Country of origin. African American culture is almost dysfunctional in the way it had to develop here. Other cultures just do not have the same history with this Country.You know as well i as i do we are a displaced people. Most other cultures have not walked the same path as us in this Country, and are not viewed and dealt with in the same way or with the same attitude. Yes! we need to follow the model of China town, but don't forget the job that has been done on us as a whole. The Chinese didn't take the historical beat down we did. Millions of Chinese did not die on the way over here. they were allowed to speak their language,they were allowed to practice their religion,They were allowed to continue their relationship with their Country,etc. All these things contribute to the ability to be able to set up shop the way they did in this Country.
Look at what he wrote today Desh. It's not political about blacks so I know you don't care but this is real life.

""I have to give a mad shout out to Prof. Bryan Brown and his team for organizing the Science in the City camp at Stanford. I wish you could of seen all those beautiful African American kids with lab jackets on learning science. My dream is to have all our kids having opportunities like this. Good job B. Next year I want a bus load of kids coming from Oakland to Stanford!- Shawn G.""

Remember this post of mine Desh– that you didn't respond to? From my black friend who you said why should I care what one person says?
This is about what the majority of black people are telling their countrymen.


is what they are saying

the right just keep calling them liars for saying it
Look at what he wrote today Desh. It's not political about blacks so I know you don't care but this is real life.

""I have to give a mad shout out to Prof. Bryan Brown and his team for organizing the Science in the City camp at Stanford. I wish you could of seen all those beautiful African American kids with lab jackets on learning science. My dream is to have all our kids having opportunities like this. Good job B. Next year I want a bus load of kids coming from Oakland to Stanford!- Shawn G.""

You don't like it when people talk nice about black people

This country will discuss this

No matter how ikky it makes you feel
You cant hit at the racists instead of me?

You blew off my friend when you claim to speak for black people.

And people who post negative things about black people here are trolling for responses which you give to them in spades. The best way to deal with those people is to ignore them and not give the reaction they desire. You are not teaching them anything you are just throwing fuel on the fire.

This woman didn't die quickly. It's her fault she has to sell everything she owns. I'll bet conservatives tried to beat her down on her prices.

Here's the real problem, and yes Evince, it is because of failed conservative ideology that Reagan started, Bush pushed thru and Clinton signed.
By not taking care of American workers and industry, or even acting in the best interests of this country, conservative ideology and greed has ruined democracy, our country and many people's lives that can't pay for healthcare or basic living needs.

Here's what 30 yrs of 'greed is good' - trickle down - the lie that globalization will rise all boats - the bullshit idea that this country can survive when the people cant make a living.

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

Welcome to the old south.