Yeah Boy, I'm Going to Heaven!


Well-known member
Sat next to this bible thumping lady on the plane today who asked me to close my eyes and repeat a prayer after her that I accept Jesus as my savior. This was after I told her I rarely go to church because I'm usually hung over. So I closed my eyes and repeated the prayer and have accept Jesus in my life. I'm going to heaven b*tches!
Sat next to this bible thumping lady on the plane today who asked me to close my eyes and repeat a prayer after her that I accept Jesus as my savior. This was after I told her I rarely go to church because I'm usually hung over. So I closed my eyes and repeated the prayer and have accept Jesus in my life. I'm going to heaven b*tches!

what makes someone a bible thumper?
Sat next to this bible thumping lady on the plane today who asked me to close my eyes and repeat a prayer after her that I accept Jesus as my savior. This was after I told her I rarely go to church because I'm usually hung over. So I closed my eyes and repeated the prayer and have accept Jesus in my life. I'm going to heaven b*tches!

Hmm and I thought you were an independent type.
I politely decline their religious advise and then ignore them if they persist.
what makes someone a bible thumper?

To my way of thinking, someone who always 'shoves' the Bible or scripture at you. Usually followed by 'accept or die eternally.' I'm not going there. If God is that black and white, I'm doomed. My guess is God is more nuanced than the thumpers.
what makes someone a bible thumper?

I didn't mean it in a negative way more in a joking matter. This lady was reading her bible on the plane and the minute I mentioned it (she was afraid of flying so I said good thing you have your bible with you) she starting asking me questions about where I go to church and do I accept Jesus as my savior. If she asked me this on the street I wouldn't have stopped but since I was a captive audience I engaged her wanting to hear what she had to say. She told me there were four things you have to do to get to heaven and they were in Romans which she read to me.

I don't really go to church but I believe in God and I want to go to heaven so I said her prayer with her.
I didn't mean it in a negative way more in a joking matter. This lady was reading her bible on the plane and the minute I mentioned it (she was afraid of flying so I said good thing you have your bible with you) she starting asking me questions about where I go to church and do I accept Jesus as my savior. If she asked me this on the street I wouldn't have stopped but since I was a captive audience I engaged her wanting to hear what she had to say. She told me there were four things you have to do to get to heaven and they were in Romans which she read to me.

I don't really go to church but I believe in God and I want to go to heaven so I said her prayer with her.

ok....i just tire of people sayign that if someone talks to you about god, you're bible OP came across that way, thanks for the clarification
To my way of thinking, someone who always 'shoves' the Bible or scripture at you. Usually followed by 'accept or die eternally.' I'm not going there. If God is that black and white, I'm doomed. My guess is God is more nuanced than the thumpers.

i agree with that
Sat next to this bible thumping lady on the plane today who asked me to close my eyes and repeat a prayer after her that I accept Jesus as my savior. This was after I told her I rarely go to church because I'm usually hung over. So I closed my eyes and repeated the prayer and have accept Jesus in my life. I'm going to heaven b*tches!

I've had this experience also, and the woman said that only 144,000 saved people will get into heaven.

I think we're all screwed. :(
Then there is the what is heaven?
What route to go to get there. Go as you die , or go into a holding zone till the end rapture? and on and on.

Will there be sex in heaven? Pot? Computer games? Dogs?
will you have to listen to Jerry Falwell preach for eternity?
I didn't mean it in a negative way more in a joking matter. This lady was reading her bible on the plane and the minute I mentioned it (she was afraid of flying so I said good thing you have your bible with you) she starting asking me questions about where I go to church and do I accept Jesus as my savior. If she asked me this on the street I wouldn't have stopped but since I was a captive audience I engaged her wanting to hear what she had to say. She told me there were four things you have to do to get to heaven and they were in Romans which she read to me.

I don't really go to church but I believe in God and I want to go to heaven so I said her prayer with her.
