Yeah Boy, I'm Going to Heaven!

Here's Richard Dawkins reading his mail from the Legally Retarded Americans Assocation... oh, I mean Christianity:

[ame=""]YouTube - Richard Dawkins Reads His Hate Mail[/ame]
I don't have to. It's they who have to prove their conclusion. Atheism is the starting point, and it's the correct point. Take the percentage of America that is Christian and you have the percentage of America that is dumbest.

Hey NOW!
I do not believe in gawd. However true christians who try and follow the teachings of christ and live a christlike life are good folks and do a lot of good for others. I will admit they are probably only 10% or so of those calliing themselves christians.

I believe in letting anyone believe what they want as long as it does not mess with the rights of others. Like leglislating their religious beliefs on others.

I believe that the founders intended freedom from religion as well as freedom of religion.
Yeah, without Jews and Atheists there would have been virtually no scientific progress in the 20th or 21st century. Just accept that you're barbaric belief system is going out of style. :(

I suppose it is conceivable there are intelligent atheists out there.....those that hang around message boards generally are bright enough to employ the cut and paste function on a computer, but couldn't put two coherent thoughts together if their eternal souls depended on it.....
I suppose it is conceivable there are intelligent atheists out there.....those that hang around message boards generally are bright enough to employ the cut and paste function on a computer, but couldn't put two coherent thoughts together if their eternal souls depended on it.....

LOL hearing you guys talk is hilarious.
I don't have to. It's they who have to prove their conclusion. Atheism is the starting point, and it's the correct point. Take the percentage of America that is Christian and you have the percentage of America that is dumbest.

Religion is a mental disorder.

/shrugs....THERE IS NO GOD is a pretend it isn't so you can avoid the unpleasant truth of your faith.....that in itself is sufficient to show that atheists rank among the most irrational creatures on earth.....
you made your post in good faith?.....

No in somewhat half assed logic.

I do know from the first 16 years of my life though that asking why in pentecostal religions is not encouraged. Just be a good little christian and follow along so you can go to heaven and not burn in eternal torment.

to a pentecostal there is only one decision, be a good little lamb and follow.
I see no thought in your posts, only anger.....


My posts are the result of my thought. I think before I post not during.
I see fear in many/most posts here. And lots of partisan hatred.

Try and make me go to church and you will see anger.
I was forced to go to church for the first 16 years of my life.
Was whipped if I complained or did not act respectful in church.

However I still respect true Christians and even help out at the local church with charity events and such. I was even chairman of the trustees for a while and I told the preacher I did not believe and was not likely to change before they selected me.... I consider the preacher a friend who is still hopeful I will see the light, but he does not thump me with the bible.

You will be hard pressed to fit me in a standard pigeonhole my friend.
However I still respect true Christians

really?.....then why did you post that they don't think.......sorry, I don't buy it.....your experience with Christianity came when you were too immature to understand it and you've been reacting instead of thinking ever since.....
really?.....then why did you post that they don't think.......sorry, I don't buy it.....your experience with Christianity came when you were too immature to understand it and you've been reacting instead of thinking ever since.....

When I speak of christians in general I am speaking of the majority of them. JIm and Tammy, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggert, Hagee and such types.
they are the sheeple hypocrites, they do not walk the talk.
When I speak of christians in general I am speaking of the majority of them. JIm and Tammy, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggert, Hagee and such types.

this may surprise you, but only a hundred or so Christians become tele-evangelists at any given time......hardly a majority of the 1.5 billion of them out there.....(you see, this is just another example of why I conclude that atheists simply are not rational)........
this may surprise you, but only a hundred or so Christians become tele-evangelists at any given time......hardly a majority of the 1.5 billion of them out there.....(you see, this is just another example of why I conclude that atheists simply are not rational)........

postmodern, I think I can speak for a few others on the site as well as myself that if you attempt to get into a true discussion with uscitizen you are going to end up wanting to ram your head into a wall. Doesn't mean you can't talk with him but just an FYI.