Yeah Boy, I'm Going to Heaven!

postmodern, I think I can speak for a few others on the site as well as myself that if you attempt to get into a true discussion with uscitizen you are going to end up wanting to ram your head into a wall. Doesn't mean you can't talk with him but just an FYI.

/shrugs....I've known stubborn people....I had a debate once where the thread went over 200 THERE was a man who didn't know when to admit he was wrong.....
Sat next to this bible thumping lady on the plane today who asked me to close my eyes and repeat a prayer after her that I accept Jesus as my savior. This was after I told her I rarely go to church because I'm usually hung over. So I closed my eyes and repeated the prayer and have accept Jesus in my life. I'm going to heaven b*tches!

BTW - By the rules of these people, I get to experience eternal damnation. It won't be pleasant, but at least I'll know what is happening during the Tribulation.