Yet another woman killed by pit bulls. On Christmas Eve this time.

yeah, big deal. I posted a bunch of stories about dogs killing babies which included chihuahuas, labs, retrievers, and a jack russel terrier.........but y'all didn't want to deal with facts and reality, so.
I guarantee you if you had frightened old thatowlwoman go into a shelter and identify every "pit bull" she could get her eyes on for euthanization, and you instead performed DNA test, there wouldn't be any real pattern or linkage among any of them. She's just a retard that jumps at her own shadow and I hope she dies.
Yet another horrible death of yet another woman in the space of less than two weeks, both in the south and both caused by violent dogs owned by white rednecks.

Poor woman was just minding her own business this time. Weren't even her dogs.

I hope the dogs' owner is punished harshly and pays dearly for this.

Johnny Dale Lankford.

Who was it who said in the other dog mauling thread that only blacks owned violent pit bulls?

Trump Diva, you out there?

God bless the soul of this victim and her family.

Why don't you post the statement where anyone said only blacks own violent pit bulls.

Look at the owner of these pit bulls. Notice anything about him?
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I think we need to euthanize pit bull haters. That's something I'd support, hold a poll for whether or not we should euthanize pit bulls, everyone that votes yes is led out back and gets a bullet to the head. Then we have a better society.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace... I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34

Bring a pit bull instead. Use a sword and go to prison. Use a pit bull, and you'll be covered by your home owner's insurance. The average dog bite claim settles for about $34,000, the last I read.
I think we need to euthanize pit bull haters. That's something I'd support, hold a poll for whether or not we should euthanize pit bulls, everyone that votes yes is led out back and gets a bullet to the head. Then we have a better society.

Sure, and while we're euthanizing ppl who point out the faults in a thing, we can kill everyone who criticizes Trump or Obama. Everyone who criticizes the govt. Everyone who criticizes religion. Everyone who criticizes mass-murderers or psychos or rapists or child abusers.
Care to link where I said *only*?

I'll understand if you cant.

See links below.

You said "most" which is pretty much the same thing.

Yet the last two incidents in a row were cases where white rednecks were involved.

Why don't you post the statement where anyone said only blacks own violent pit bulls.

Look at the owner of these pit bulls. Notice anything about him?
And I hate birds! Those dirty bastids shit on my house where I can't reach and I need to get a ladder out to clean it off, they shit on my clean cars and stain the paint, they attract cats...and I hate those damned things too...
Kill em all! Arrrr...:blowup:

yeah, big deal. I posted a bunch of stories about dogs killing babies which included chihuahuas, labs, retrievers, and a jack russel terrier.........but y'all didn't want to deal with facts and reality, so.
I have her on ignore, so thanks for quoting that drivel.. She didn't read what I actually posted and she definitely doesn't understand what "low failure rate" or "success" means when it comes to discussing rescue, fostering, rehabilitation, etc. What a shock.
I have her on ignore, so thanks for quoting her drivel. As you can clearly see, that post, along with the OP, is not really about pit bulls at all. This is just a couple of random people not wanting a good tragedy to go to waste combined with her personal obsessions with me. That must be a liberal thing-there's a couple of crazies around here that do the same with select individuals. They look just as ridiculous as she does... I imagine Mason (they go everywhere here's hilarious) is doing the same thing.
Keep em posting, though....they're slipping up every day.
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And I hate birds! Those dirty bastids shit on my house where I can't reach and I need to get a ladder out to clean it off, they shit on my clean cars and stain the paint, they attract cats...and I hate those damned things too...
Kill em all! Arrrr...:blowup:

lol...that's too funny...
Good morning...RB 60!