Yet another woman killed by pit bulls. On Christmas Eve this time.

See links below.

You said "most" which is pretty much the same thing.

Yet the last two incidents in a row were cases where white rednecks were involved.
Why thank just made my point. This thread wasn't created to be about the actual tragedy just didn't want such a good one to go to waste if you could politicize it.
That's what I've been saying all along.
This isn't about pit bulls. This is about your personal hate...
I think we should make special donations to animal advocate groups in our area in the names of all of our good friends here...(If you need help locating a recognized facility or group, or you wish to donate here in their name, just let me know...I'll send you all the information.
And the name of the pup, with pictures:)
See links below.

You said "most" which is pretty much the same thing.

Yet the last two incidents in a row were cases where white rednecks were involved.

Most and only aren't "pretty much the same thing", boy.

I asked you for posts where someone said "ONLY" and, as usual, you post anything but that. Do you have any that say ONLY?
I have her on ignore, so thanks for quoting that drivel.. She didn't read what I actually posted and she definitely doesn't understand what "low failure rate" or "success" means when it comes to discussing rescue, fostering, rehabilitation, etc. What a shock.
I have her on ignore, so thanks for quoting her drivel. As you can clearly see, that post, along with the OP, is not really about pit bulls at all. This is just a couple of random people not wanting a good tragedy to go to waste combined with her personal obsessions with me. That must be a liberal thing-there's a couple of crazies around here that do the same with select individuals. They look just as ridiculous as she does... I imagine Mason (they go everywhere here's hilarious) is doing the same thing.
Keep em posting, though....they're slipping up every day.

You should probably edit that some more, Toxic. You don't want everyone here knowing how you drink your breakfast, right? lol You and your hilarious fake ignore.
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Why thank just made my point. This thread wasn't created to be about the actual tragedy just didn't want such a good one to go to waste if you could politicize it.
That's what I've been saying all along.
This isn't about pit bulls. This is about your personal hate...

Fuck you, bitch.

Aside from the one on top of your head, you have no point and you've never made one.

You and your obnoxious shitbag right wing buddies spew partisan political hate and vomit every chance you get and start idiotic troll threads by the dozen every day.

You don't like the topic of this thread? STAY THE FUCK OUT IF IT!!!!

Nobody gives a shit about your worthless opinion anyway.
Why thank just made my point. This thread wasn't created to be about the actual tragedy just didn't want such a good one to go to waste if you could politicize it.
That's what I've been saying all along.
This isn't about pit bulls. This is about your personal hate...

Now what reason, Toxic, would Nomad have to have "personal hate" against you? I doubt seriously if he expends a single neurotransmitter thinking of you in a given day, let alone hating you. Same with how he feels about TD.

Your life is that bad, that you think everything's about you, isn't it? Poor thing.

That would be sweet if you want to donate to a shelter in my name; the one by us is UPAWS. You can PM me the receipt and photo of the puppy or kitty you chose, or just post it here. Thanks!
Fuck you, bitch.

Aside from the one on top of your head, you have no point and you've never made one.

You and your obnoxious shitbag right wing buddies spew partisan political hate and vomit every chance you get and start idiotic troll threads by the dozen every day.

You don't like the topic of this thread? STAY THE FUCK OUT IF IT!!!!

Nobody gives a shit about your worthless opinion anyway.

He/she lives to piss ppl off, or try to. Only time it manages an orgasm.
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Most and only aren't "pretty much the same thing", boy.

I asked you for posts where someone said "ONLY" and, as usual, you post anything but that. Do you have any that say ONLY?

If you want to split hairs, pluck one off of your vagina, you redneck pussy.

Or better yet, pull one of your mother's out from between your rotten teeth.

He/she lives to piss ppl off, or try too. Only time it manages an orgasm.

All 'it' does is amuse me with all 'its' pot-kettle-black garbage.

Everything 'it' pisses 'its' panties about things you or I or others SUPPOSEDLY (but don't) do re: politicizing tragedy or stalking a particular forum member, he and/or other members of his right wing ilk do in spades!!!!

It's truly a dumb joke of monumental proportions.
If you want to split hairs, pluck one off of your vagina, you redneck pussy.

Or better yet, pull one of your mother's out from between your rotten teeth.


Two terms with two distinctly different meanings isn't splitting hairs except to an uneducated boy like you.

I've already plucked one from your mother's vagina. In fact, I shaved it bald for her.
Fuck you, bitch.

Aside from the one on top of your head, you have no point and you've never made one.

You and your obnoxious shitbag right wing buddies spew partisan political hate and vomit every chance you get and start idiotic troll threads by the dozen every day.

You don't like the topic of this thread? STAY THE FUCK OUT IF IT!!!!

Nobody gives a shit about your worthless opinion anyway.

Making more demands of people you can't back up, boy?

It's not my fault a dumb boy like you doesn't know the difference between only and most.
Fuck you, bitch.

Aside from the one on top of your head, you have no point and you've never made one.

You and your obnoxious shitbag right wing buddies spew partisan political hate and vomit every chance you get and start idiotic troll threads by the dozen every day.

You don't like the topic of this thread? STAY THE FUCK OUT IF IT!!!!

Nobody gives a shit about your worthless opinion anyway.
Oh, my. Now you've hurt my feelings...somehow, I will find a way to go on, despite your harsh words..:rolleyes:
Why not just admit you start threads for no other reason than to take advantage of a good tragedy by politicizing it.
Here's another one....
Just plain hate. If you own up to why you actually start the threads you won't have these early morning meltdowns.
MIRITE? Of course I am...
Making more demands of people you can't back up, boy?

It's not my fault a dumb boy like you doesn't know the difference between only and most.
That's one angry and confused person. I feel sad for ones like that.
But, with every post, he just proves my point.
Those kind of snowflakes are the most entertaining...and easy....
That's one angry and confused person. I feel sad for ones like that.
But, with every post, he just proves my point.
Those kind of snowflakes are the most entertaining...and easy....

I don't feel sad for those like him. Efforts have been made to educate him yet he refuses to learn.
Oh, my. Now you've hurt my feelings...somehow, I will find a way to go on, despite your harsh words..:rolleyes:
Why not just admit you start threads for no other reason than to take advantage of a good tragedy by politicizing it.
Here's another one....
Just plain hate. If you own up to why you actually start the threads you won't have these early morning meltdowns.
MIRITE? Of course I am...

That's one angry and confused person. I feel sad for ones like that.
But, with every post, he just proves my point.
Those kind of snowflakes are the most entertaining...and easy....


The fact that my true reason for posting those three threads is lost on you because it went over your head, proves MY point.

My point being that right-wingers are low-forehead retards.

It should be obvious to even the most simple minded wingnut that my reason for posting those threads was to point out the lack of civility, responsibility, and basic human decency of the typical redneck.

Every one of those three cases involved people dying violently due to someone's redneck, peckerwood lifestyle.

In the case of the young woman in Va., it was her own Confederate flag worshipping, vicious dog owning lifestyle that resulted in her death.

In the case of the two educated, loving Democrat-type parents who were murdered, it was the actions of their daughter's right-wing, racist scumbag boyfriend that resulted in their deaths.

In the case of the 60 y/o woman in Ky., it was the actions of their dirtbag, wife-beating, right-wing redneck peckerwood next door neighbor and his vicious dogs that he carelessly allowed to roam free, that resulted in her death.

The upshot: right-wing redneck peckerwood conservative assholery does nobody associated with it or exposed to it any good whatsoever and is oftentimes dangerous and even deadly.

That's why it attracts the dumbest and lowest educated, lowest rung members of society.

Like you, CFM, TDAK, GbA, Right, Ralph, Truth Detector, Getin the ring, Irish, Smarter than you, PmP, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum.
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You couldn't educate a fucking fly because the fly is already smarter than you, dumb fucking peckerwood.

It's quite obvious you can't be educated no matter how hard the rest of us try. You either can't learn or don't want to learn. I don't care which one. The end result is you are an uneducated, retard.
It's quite obvious you can't be educated no matter how hard the rest of us try. You either can't learn or don't want to learn. I don't care which one. The end result is you are an uneducated, retard.

As usual, you've got it bass-ackwards.

If you want to see an uneducated, retard, take a look in this...


See him?

The ugly fuck is looking right back at you, uneducated peckerwood retard.