You drink POP, you bake with SODA

It's coke and mountain dew. "A Coke" is like "a Kleenex".
It's "tissue". Why do you love a corp so much you have to give it free advertising? Seriously, their ad campaigns are so great that every southerner catches the "Coke" fever? It's like those Audi commercials... "I've been told that it is 'a coke'..."
Admittedly, I don't know anyone who says "tissue." Its always "Kleenex."

Luckily, I don't know any retards who say "Frigidaire."
I used to call it "a kleenex", but then I thought if I was going to advertise for them I should be PAID for it.
I used to call it "a kleenex", but then I thought if I was going to advertise for them I should be PAID for it.

I just find it convenient, and I don't mind being a tool of big corporations, as Asshate has charged.

I remember when every videogame was "Nintendo." Unfortunately, Sony and Microsoft have done a good job of brainwashing their fans into stopping that.
Fun thread. Let a lifelong Okie wade in. Here in it's "coke" or "pop." Either one is acceptable.

Soda is what you cook with or something someone who has moved off somewhere and then comes back and wants to sound "uppity" would call "coke" or "pop." :) We frown on those folks.

A kleenex is a tissue and some still use the xerox machine no matter the brand.

Now I am fixin' to press the "Submit Reply" button. Have a good day. ;)
Fun thread. Let a lifelong Okie wade in. Here in it's "coke" or "pop." Either one is acceptable.

Soda is what you cook with or something someone who has moved off somewhere and then comes back and wants to sound "uppity" would call "coke" or "pop." :) We frown on those folks.

A kleenex is a tissue and some still use the xerox machine no matter the brand.

Now I am fixin' to press the "Submit Reply" button. Have a good day. ;)

"Now I am fixin' to press the "Submit Reply" button."

Now THAT is a southern phrase. lol
Fun thread. Let a lifelong Okie wade in. Here in it's "coke" or "pop." Either one is acceptable.

Soda is what you cook with or something someone who has moved off somewhere and then comes back and wants to sound "uppity" would call "coke" or "pop." :) We frown on those folks.

A kleenex is a tissue and some still use the xerox machine no matter the brand.

Now I am a fixin' to press the "Submit Reply" button. Have a good day. ;)

fixed that for you.
fixed that for you.

Most of the people I know would not say it the way you "fixed" it to read. Maybe I run with a brighter crowd than average. But they almost all use "fixin" as a measure of time.

"Fixin" = longer than "in a minute" but not so long as "in a while".
Most of the people I know would not say it the way you "fixed" it to read. Maybe I run with a brighter crowd than average. But they almost all use "fixin" as a measure of time.

"Fixin" = longer than "in a minute" but not so long as "in a while".

come on now... we have all heard cletus the slack jawed yokel.... don't try to deny your southern ways... we all know your true nature.

Southerners... Jarod, Toppy, Dixie, WM, SM... enough said.

fixed that for you.

SF, was correct the way it was. To write it the way you seem to want to, you must write it this way:

"Ima fixin' to press the Submit Reply button..."

See the difference. And you will only get that dialect from someone over the age of 75 here. :)
come on now... we have all heard cletus the slack jawed yokel.... don't try to deny your southern ways... we all know your true nature.

Southerners... Jarod, Toppy, Dixie, WM, SM... enough said.


Now thems fightin' words....lumpin' me & Winter in with that crew. :)
SF, was correct the way it was. To write it the way you seem to want to, you must write it this way:

"Ima fixin' to press the Submit Reply button..."

See the difference. And you will only get that dialect from someone over the age of 75 here. :)

Now don't you a go disruptin my mockin.... let it be
Now don't you a go disruptin my mockin.... let it be

Aight now, doncha be goin on about thangs ya'll don't unnerstand. We knows how we talks, and we ain't fixin to lissen to no damn yankee tellin us differnt.
Actually, after posting that I realized it looks a lot like the way Topper posts.

Maybe he isn't bad at spelling. Maybe he just types with an accent.