You drink POP, you bake with SODA

I've been sitting here in a very large room with a nice view of the back yard. Perhaps it is you who have come out of the closet, no?

Never been in a closet. I never felt the need to be in one. Being straight has it advantages.
SF, was correct the way it was. To write it the way you seem to want to, you must write it this way:

"Ima fixin' to press the Submit Reply button..."

See the difference. And you will only get that dialect from someone over the age of 75 here. :)
Correctly per pronunciation rules it would be a "summit reply" button.
LOLZ @ Texas for being retarded.

And, yes, the English call fries "chips" (hence the term "fish & chips), which is why Canadians call them that. The English also call cookies "biscuits"- do Canadians as well?

No, we didn't go that far! We adopted very little British cuisine, thankfully, so biscuits means the same as is does here.