you guys got to chill

desh literally just invents shit about me, tells it to herself like 100 times over, and then comes to believe it.

like there is some possability I made some weird joke sometimes, but even that is unlikely. she literally just makes shit up.
Is that true????

yes its true

he thought it was funny

if said something to the effect of well maybe if I knew the dog Im might not laugh

out of 100 people 4 are sociopaths

that's a butt load of sociopaths huh

the right wing is full of sociopaths

angry that people expect them to care about others

the statistics say 3 will be male and 1 will be a female

that means there are tree times more male sociopaths and female sociopaths

grind is a sociopath

only a sociopath would BRAG about not caring about living things

These people think it makes them smarter to not care

they are broken inside

They have NO CONCEPT of what a regular unbroken human feels

They can NEVER be allowed to be in positions of power over other peoples lives

they are evil enough to place children in cages without proper food or even soap while packing them in like sardines.

They would destroy mankind if left in power

grind KNOWS he said it

he thought it was fine at the time


I taught him it was a sociopathic thing to claim

Grind is a liar

his denial of his words is meaningless
seek help you obsessed stalker weirdo


dude this was in response to you starting a nearly same named thread that banned me out of your insane love of lies and fear of me because I deliver truths to the face of your lies

correcting lies and shaming liars is not stalking idiot

You even sound like trump now
I think it comes down to wanting to protect the interests and the power of the traditional white, christian, male role at the top of the food chain. And with that comes all the associated accumulation of economic and political influence and perks.

As to the other tangent, I think if anyone needs advice on how to act as a decent human being the proper people to consult are trusted friends and relatives and other individuals with proven moral character. Some people may prefer priests.

I believe the last place to get advice on social etiquette and ethical behaviour is from a message board moderator, rightwing posters, or even the majority of anonymous forum posters.
I would make an exception for one moderator and a handful of trusted posters, but other than that I would say the practice of dignity, self-respect, fealty to the truth, and temperance are not qualities often found on obscure message boards!

actually the last place to get advice is from a known stalker...

If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong.

You have some nerve whining about personal information being posted by SF (and conflating what happened here with egregious things happening to others like Zappa), when he in fact, is the gentleman on this thread.

I have been holding back from saying anything, but you better look in the mirror. Whatever grenade SF lobbed at you, it is pretty low to throw me on top of it because you can't handle him.

And publically implying that I did those things with have a good kick in the nuts coming mister."

tell us again how noble you are Cypress...

Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


LMAO... poor leg humper
yes its true

he thought it was funny

if said something to the effect of well maybe if I knew the dog Im might not laugh

out of 100 people 4 are sociopaths

that's a butt load of sociopaths huh

the right wing is full of sociopaths

angry that people expect them to care about others

the statistics say 3 will be male and 1 will be a female

that means there are tree times more male sociopaths and female sociopaths

grind is a sociopath

only a sociopath would BRAG about not caring about living things

These people think it makes them smarter to not care

they are broken inside

They have NO CONCEPT of what a regular unbroken human feels

They can NEVER be allowed to be in positions of power over other peoples lives

they are evil enough to place children in cages without proper food or even soap while packing them in like sardines.

They would destroy mankind if left in power

grind KNOWS he said it

he thought it was fine at the time


I taught him it was a sociopathic thing to claim

Grind is a liar

his denial of his words is meaningless

and a few other things

it all comes from respecting FACTS

anyone can do what I did

Im just a typical American

respecting facts can make anyone turn out to be correct MOST of the time


without them everyone will be wrong

the republican party hates facts

its why they needed to create their own news station just like Russia did

Desh's idea of 'facts' is whatever her Democratic masters tell her to think. Desh then posts links to things she doesn't understand and thus cannot explain, then pretends that they say something that they do not.

Desh hates ACTUAL FACTS, she only loves the things her masters tell her to believe.
actually the last place to get advice is from a known stalker...

tell us again how noble you are Cypress...

LMAO... poor leg humper

What Are the Treatments for OCD?

OCD doesn’t go away on its own, and it has no cure. You can’t ignore it or think your way out of the repetitive thoughts and behaviors that control your life. What you can control is your decision to get treatment. The first step is to see your doctor. An exam will show if your symptoms are the result of a physical issue. If they’re not, your doctor can recommend a mental illness specialist, like a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker, who can create a plan for you. For many people, combining talk therapy and medication works best.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). OCD has a cycle: obsessions, anxiety, compulsions, and relief. CBT, a type of psychotherapy, gives you tools to think, act, and react to your unhealthy thoughts and habits. The goal is to replace negative thoughts with productive ones.

Medication. Antidepressants are often the first medications prescribed for OCD. Your doctor may have you try clomipramine (Anafranil), fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), or another antidepressant, depending on your age, health, and symptoms.

You're welcome.
Wow looks like the beta soyboy loser hypocrite cypress just got burned pretty hardcore by super freak

And the defenders of Cypress have egg on their face.

