you guys got to chill

cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.
cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

So what's you stand with crackers in chili?
cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

This is hilarious on so many levels and I can’t disclose why, but I’m :laugh:
cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

I don't think that anyone who's okay with guys calling women who disagree with them cunts has any room to talk about dissing some other guy about respect for women. Just sayin', dude.
... backs slowly away.......

Actually, that's hilarious.

Standard business attire and silk ties tend to be my professional look. But when I really want to up my game I totally go for the print Hawaii shirts or even my super cool Jimmy Buffet parrot shirts. I am kind of distraught to think that I might not look cool in them!
This is hilarious on so many levels and I can’t disclose why, but I’m :laugh:

You are full of shit.

cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

lets remember grind has never turned out to be correct on anything

sociopaths are like that

they don't really feel anything about others

and they don't understand much of anything about real life

they are mentally handicapped by their inability to understand other humans thus they don't understand reality

And what have you ever been right about psychopath?
I don't think that anyone who's okay with guys calling women who disagree with them cunts has any room to talk about dissing some other guy about respect for women. Just sayin', dude.

Fuck you. Desh doesn’t get protection from no no words when she makes up lies about me everyday on here because she is too fucking stupid to know who I am
cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.
If you haven’t ever creeped a woman out you’re either not trying or your gay.
I don't think that anyone who's okay with guys calling women who disagree with them cunts has any room to talk about dissing some other guy about respect for women. Just sayin', dude.

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

Standard business attire and silk ties tend to be my professional look. But when I really want to up my game I totally go for the print Hawaii shirts or even my super cool Jimmy Buffet parrot shirts. I am kind of distraught to think that I might not look cool in them!

cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.
