you guys got to chill

I'm sure you've documented these "perversions" and notified the police, right?

As I said, you might be more concerned about posters who make up lurid porno posts about women here, those who call ppl cunts and niggers and other filth, and those who accuse other posters of actionable crimes. Oh, and maybe stop worrying about something that happened a decade ago. Your outrage is pretty fake. It's only just because you dislike Cypress. You tolerate far worse in ppl you agree with.

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown, snowflake.

Lets poll the women you’ve actually creeped on

and you circlejerking doesn’t change the facts on the ground. You’ve been called out for being a creep in the past and I haven’t. Because you are a creepy loser.

The only reason you are tangently being being defended at all in this thread is because you were such a creepy weirdo the parties that be would prefer the entire discussion we’re just killed and over with. The fact that they were associated with a loser like you completely grosses them out and they would just as soon wish to throw you down the memory hole.

That’s not true! I’ve called you out a number of times for being creepy. The way you talk about Zimmerman makes my skin crawl.
Nope, and you know it, too. You’re the one who is full of shit. I know your pick up methods. :laugh:

i reiterate, you are full of shit. You want to have your cake and eat it too, wanting to imply something about me while also pretending you are not at liberty to divulge. If you actually believed that, why would you imply anything at all? What you are doing is a cowardly bitch move. You want to call me out then grow some ovaries and do it properly or otherwise shut the fuck up.
I’ve never discussed “pick up methods” with rana let alone basically anything to do with the opposite sex so she’s obviously lying/trolling/being retarded and that just shows how desperate she is to obfuscate the issue regarding creepy cypress.
i reiterate, you are full of shit. You want to have your cake and eat it too, wanting to imply something about me while also pretending you are not at liberty to divulge. If you actually believed that, why would you imply anything at all? What you are doing is a cowardly bitch move. You want to call me out then grow some ovaries and do it properly or otherwise shut the fuck up.

Ahhhhh, are you cranky? I can’t give the info I have because of board rules. I do know something creepy and hilarious about you, but unless you give me permission to divulge it, I can not do so. I can laugh at you though and how touchy you are.
Lets poll the women you’ve actually creeped on

and you circlejerking doesn’t change the facts on the ground. You’ve been called out for being a creep in the past and I haven’t. Because you are a creepy loser.

The only reason you are tangently being being defended at all in this thread is because you were such a creepy weirdo the parties that be would prefer the entire discussion we’re just killed and over with. The fact that they were associated with a loser like you completely grosses them out and they would just as soon wish to throw you down the memory hole.

speak for your self shit balls

you have NO idea what others think

you would laugh while a dog dies so you have no idea what NORMAL thoughts are
cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

so says No second date Nate
And what have you ever been right about psychopath?


I predicted the crash

I told people Bush was lying about the war march

I told you right wing idiots that Bush used white Phosphrous in fallughia

I was right about the Abu Garib shit

I was right about the war in Iraq making a blazing shit pile out of the middle east

I was right about all your fucking evil partys cheating in elections

I was right about posters being fake assholes frim other nations

I was right about what a turd pile you are

and on and on and on

fuck you very much

you have only ever embraced fucking lies from fox and the republican party
grind you KNOW you said that shit about a dog dying

you lying about it wont make that reality go away you fucking shit filled lie box

it will haunt your mind until the day you die

Life is a mystery to defected people like you

You have self identified as a sociopath

the entire body of words you have typed on this site for nearly two decades shows you are OBVIOUSLY a sociopath

you are broken dude

Lying just makes that clearer

it will NEVER go away

It defines your life until you die

Its not your fault

Its not my fault

its just reality

face reality

YOU live in a mental prison

You will never love or feel joy like a NORMAL person

YOU have no way to understand mankind

you are broken