you guys got to chill

I’ve already seen what rana is talking about it’s literally not creepy at all. It’s me saying a girl was asking about me post wedding and I bragged whimsically how women can’t resist my misanthropic charm. Literally nothing creepy, no girls creeped out by me, the exact opposite.
I’ve already seen what rana is talking about it’s literally not creepy at all. It’s me saying a girl was asking about me post wedding and I bragged whimsically how women can’t resist my misanthropic charm. Literally nothing creepy, no girls creeped out by me, the exact opposite.

ODD how quite Rana got; but then she is acting like the hypocrite she is.

Just watch how JPP liberals now come to her "defense".

Since rana would like to follow muellers footsteps and let innuendo and rumors take precedence over reality I’ll just post it myself:


You know how I was at my bros wedding I August?

Turns out....

my my sister in law has informed me some girl has been asking about me.

she csnt stop thinking about me

she liked me and wants to hang out ;)

girls csnt reist the g man

ps I’m drunk right noe

all I ha e to do is drink lots of alcohol and all of sudden people like me

and girls want the g d...I’m not going to be alone forever so suck on that

ow to be fair, the girl thinks I’m a dumbass liberal cause I made jokes about trump in Ireland I think lmao

tell a girl a few anti trump jokes and you are ahead of 80% of guys

the bottom line is... I have game.

girls csnt resist the misantropic grind

I’m ducking g awesome

ps billy Detroit trip is def possible in 2019 so prepare
Since rana would like to follow muellers footsteps and let innuendo and rumors take precedence over reality I’ll just post it myself:


You know how I was at my bros wedding I August?

Turns out....

my my sister in law has informed me some girl has been asking about me.

she csnt stop thinking about me

she liked me and wants to hang out ;)

girls csnt reist the g man

ps I’m drunk right noe

all I ha e to do is drink lots of alcohol and all of sudden people like me

and girls want the g d...I’m not going to be alone forever so suck on that

ow to be fair, the girl thinks I’m a dumbass liberal cause I made jokes about trump in Ireland I think lmao

tell a girl a few anti trump jokes and you are ahead of 80% of guys

the bottom line is... I have game.

girls csnt resist the misantropic grind

I’m ducking g awesome

ps billy Detroit trip is def possible in 2019 so prepare

She'll probably now say that what you posted isn't everything and that you're lying; because she will never admit that she fucked up and apologize.

No she now claims to me it’s creepy, she obviously can’t walk back her false claims. What she wanted to do was actually pretty duplicitous. She knows I dont like my personal info on the board. I’m not embarrassed about my address but that doesn’t mean I want tonpost it on here. She was banking on me not wanting my personal info out and thought she could make up lies about me
No she now claims to me it’s creepy, she obviously can’t walk back her false claims. What she wanted to do was actually pretty duplicitous. She knows I dont like my personal info on the board. I’m not embarrassed about my address but that doesn’t mean I want tonpost it on here. She was banking on me not wanting my personal info out and thought she could make up lies about me

She also denied that you and Grind have, in the past, pointed out her blatant hypocrisy; so it looks like her "on-line" persona of "who, little poor me" is now crumbling. :palm:
Making false accusations is all the rage with liberal women right now. Just ask Kavanaugh. Also the new one accusing Trump that has pretty much destroyed her own credibility each time she gives an interview.

lets see

latino voters

black voters

Asian voters

and Female voters

just how much can your fucks cheat to win after pissing off all voters?
Rana first time in a long while I am straight up disappointed in you
I really don’t care, if you’re disappointed. I’m not real happy with you, either.

I think it’s creepy behavior to lie to strangers to make an impression, to misrepresent yourself. It’s my opinion. I don’t need your approval. I’m sure USF and your buddies will think your behavior normal, but I thought it hilarious you had to not be yourself to make an impression and creepy you lie to strangers. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was the girl and learned you were a Trump supporter. I’d be, like, what else is this guy hiding...creepy!
lets see

latino voters

black voters

Asian voters

and Female voters

just how much can your fucks cheat to win after pissing off all voters?
Did you see the "debates" last night? 2020 looks like an easy win for the president....