you guys got to chill

Liar, Lady T, christiefan, Owl and I have no problem with him.

grind is just repeating his favorite child like insult of people he cant refute the facts of

like the five year old emotional brain he has can muster

"nobody likes you

everybody hates you

just go eat a worm"

sociopaths don't grok real Human emotional brain processes

so they revert to the childish

go read my post record

Its why grind threatens to ban me for bumping old threads which prove how fucking wrong all ypu right wing assholes have been OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER

which also prove I and other left leaning posters predicted correctly the outcomes of your fucked up policies

go look at the links in my signature

it links to how wrong you shits have been in the past

Why would I waste time searching the maniacal ravings of a lunatic?
DEsh has been right on most of the major issues of our generation.

Iraq War

Great Bush Recession

Illegal Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Kremlin complicity in helping Trump get elected.

post five of this thread

lots of thanks to it also

reality is reality

facts are facts

but you would know nothing about those things
i reiterate, you are full of shit. You want to have your cake and eat it too, wanting to imply something about me while also pretending you are not at liberty to divulge. If you actually believed that, why would you imply anything at all? What you are doing is a cowardly bitch move. You want to call me out then grow some ovaries and do it properly or otherwise shut the fuck up.

This thread is about chili not cake!
who cares what a shit bag russo bot hole like you says

Your idea of being right, is to be proven wrong and still carry on as though you weren't just proven wrong, you loony fucking stupid bitch. This post is just another example of your psychopathic bullshit. You really are a genuine whack job. I hope you don't end up hurting someone, not kidding.

would you describe your self as a compassionate person?

would you describe you stances as compassionate stances?

you are not a compassionate person by any standard and you KNOW that

its would seem you would be PROUD of being a sociopath
Your idea of being right, is to be proven wrong and still carry on as though you weren't just proven wrong, you loony fucking stupid bitch. This post is just another example of your psychopathic bullshit. You really are a genuine whack job. I hope you don't end up hurting someone, not kidding.

just fucking lying about what all the posts and threads say here along with quite a few posters who have seen most of the sites lifetime makes you a turd stained brain fuck

the links in my signature prove I predicted the crash and was trashed for it by your right wing asshole posters

Its why grindy tries to ban me for posting ole threads yet refuses to tell ANYONE what is too old a thread to bump and never applies that "rule" to anyone else
I really don’t care, if you’re disappointed. I’m not real happy with you, either.

I think it’s creepy behavior to lie to strangers to make an impression, to misrepresent yourself. It’s my opinion. I don’t need your approval. I’m sure USF and your buddies will think your behavior normal, but I thought it hilarious you had to not be yourself to make an impression and creepy you lie to strangers. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was the girl and learned you were a Trump supporter. I’d be, like, what else is this guy hiding...creepy!

So his telling Trump jokes was lying to her?
um dude the links are right in my signature

and yes you are one of the posters claiming a crash is not coming

I have all signatures blocked. That said, what the fuck are you rambling about now? You just said I am racist and hate all voters. Do you know what thread you are in?