you guys got to chill

Grind posted it dim bulb before I had the opportunity. I’m not a hypocrite. The definition of creepy is behavior that makes you uncomfortable. Grind’s behavior would make me uncomfortable. If he pretended to be something he wasn’t that is devious and creepy by my standards. You’re welcomed to your own standards of creepy. It’s subjective, I’m entitled to to my own definition of creepy.

freedumb is the last person who can call others "creepy." Exhibit One, all of his threads and polls in the War Zone criticizing other posters. :nodyes:
I don’t think anyone could objectively look at that post and think it’s anyway related to what rana was trying to insinuate earlier

Is sounds to me like you lie and misrepresent yourself to try to get into women's pants.

Can you not just be yourself to get a date?

I also believe Desh's story about you laughing about dying dogs. That sounds right up your alley.

Let me make this crystal clear to you: Your decade long obsession with me, your constant innuendo, and the girlish gossip of you and your boyfriends have no affect on me, and I do not believe it effects the opinion of my friends in the slightest.

It just makes you and your boyfriend look like obsessive creeps who cling to lingering grudges and imaginary grievances for over a DECADE about a dude you do not know, will never meet, and know virtually nothing about. I do not know or care about the origin and nature of your DECADE long grudge towards me. But Desh seems to think you are some sort of sociopath.

A decade is a long time for an obsession. I suggest counseling at this point.
I will concede one thing to Grind, it was a bitch move, but I’m an admitted bitch. It’s my momma bear side.

So, Grind, my apologies for the bitch move.
You're such a big defender of abused women because of your sister, yet you've criticized all the women who have called out trump, Kavanaugh and god knows who else about harassing or abusive behaviour.

You don't have the honesty to admit that you only hate on women who've accused conservative men of abuse.
Show me where i called out 'all the women who called out Trump'. The only two i recall mentioning are Daniels and this new one.

Defending abused women... Yes. Believing what politically motivated people do 20-30 years after the fact... Going to need evidence. The three that accused kavanaugh were not in the least credible. One was a lunatic the felon avenatti trotted out, one went around asking people if kavanaugh was the one that flashed and found out he wasn't, Ford couldn't recall any details except 'he did it'.

All 30 or so years prior.

You on the other hand, have seen one first hand. You know he did it. You have seen what was written... Yet you still defend the coward.

You are the one who lacks honesty and character. So keep enabling a woman abuser
Is sounds to me like you lie and misrepresent yourself to try to get into women's pants.

Can you not just be yourself to get a date?

I also believe Desh's story about you laughing about dying dogs. That sounds right up your alley.

Let me make this crystal clear to you: Your decade long obsession with me, your constant innuendo, and the girlish gossip of you and your boyfriends have no affect on me, and I do not believe it effects the opinion of my friends in the slightest.

It just makes you and your boyfriend look like obsessive creeps who cling to lingering grudges and imaginary grievances for over a DECADE about a dude you do not know, will never meet, and know virtually nothing about. I do not know or care about the origin and nature of your DECADE long grudge towards me. But Desh seems to think you are some sort of sociopath.

A decade is a long time for an obsession. I suggest counseling at this point.

This is quite comical watching the coward continue to pretend nothing happened despite the words to the contrary from the one he harrassed.

Admit what you are coward, that is the first step to getting help.

It is also truly funny watching you pretend others are the ones desperate for attention and unable to find that attention, you resort to stalking women.
freedumb is the last person who can call others "creepy." Exhibit One, all of his threads and polls in the War Zone criticizing other posters. :nodyes:

And his constant use of the c-word aimed at female posters. Remember when you were coat-tailed by someone who kept demanding to know what you thought of ppl using that word? As far as I can tell, she's the only "female" on JPP who likes him. Irony.
Show me where i called out 'all the women who called out Trump'. The only two i recall mentioning are Daniels and this new one.

Defending abused women... Yes. Believing what politically motivated people do 20-30 years after the fact... Going to need evidence. The three that accused kavanaugh were not in the least credible. One was a lunatic the felon avenatti trotted out, one went around asking people if kavanaugh was the one that flashed and found out he wasn't, Ford couldn't recall any details except 'he did it'.

All 30 or so years prior.

You on the other hand, have seen one first hand. You know he did it. You have seen what was written... Yet you still defend the coward.

You are the one who lacks honesty and character. So keep enabling a woman abuser

Spare me your indignation. You can't even pretend to think like women think; you just attribute your own biases and attitudes to them. I believe Dr. Ford and the trump accusers because I speak as a woman who was sexually harassed, just like them. I can remember what happened and where, but not the exact date, time or other minutia... just like Dr. Ford and the trump accusers. You seem to think that's unlikely but actually it's all too common, because in the shock of the moment the only emotion you have is fear and anxiety. It's laughable to hear you pronounce on the women's credibility. YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE. NOT ONE.

I have not seen any abuse, attack, stalking or harassment here as you claim. I do see you acting all holier-than-thou and vindictive for close to a decade even though you were explicitly called out on your actions. You of all people have no business attacking anybody, given your own nasty attitude toward the women here.

Y O U lack honesty, character and common decency. Go project your deficiencies elsewhere, clearly you're not able to use this forum for it's intended purpose. It's only about revenge for you.
And his constant use of the c-word aimed at female posters. Remember when you were coat-tailed by someone who kept demanding to know what you thought of ppl using that word? As far as I can tell, she's the only "female" on JPP who likes him. Irony.

Don't you love it? He and the others freely use the c-word but if you groan their posts over it, they have hissy fits. Ant this after all their lectures that we should put on our big girl pants, if we can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, etc. Oh the sensitivity!
Yes, I remember no matter how much I try to forget "someone." The someone who demanded I call out certain people but who won't do it themselves. (Note the neutral pronouns.) :laugh:
Don't you love it? He and the others freely use the c-word but if you groan their posts over it, they have hissy fits. Ant this after all their lectures that we should put on our big girl pants, if we can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, etc. Oh the sensitivity!
Yes, I remember no matter how much I try to forget "someone." The someone who demanded I call out certain people but who won't do it themselves. (Note the neutral pronouns.) :laugh:

Yes, we must not feed the attention whore(s). lol

I've been on Internet forums -- mostly political -- for over 20 yrs. now. I have *never* seen such a bunch of whiny, easily-triggered, snowflake men as post here. Not all of them, of course, but the nancies are definitely heavily over-represented.
i reiterate, you are full of shit. You want to have your cake and eat it too, wanting to imply something about me while also pretending you are not at liberty to divulge. If you actually believed that, why would you imply anything at all? What you are doing is a cowardly bitch move. You want to call me out then grow some ovaries and do it properly or otherwise shut the fuck up. asked for it...I’m calling you out. Tom Brady is the Lance Armstrong of football.
Since rana would like to follow muellers footsteps and let innuendo and rumors take precedence over reality I’ll just post it myself:


You know how I was at my bros wedding I August?

Turns out....

my my sister in law has informed me some girl has been asking about me.

she csnt stop thinking about me

she liked me and wants to hang out ;)

girls csnt reist the g man

ps I’m drunk right noe

all I ha e to do is drink lots of alcohol and all of sudden people like me

and girls want the g d...I’m not going to be alone forever so suck on that

ow to be fair, the girl thinks I’m a dumbass liberal cause I made jokes about trump in Ireland I think lmao

tell a girl a few anti trump jokes and you are ahead of 80% of guys

the bottom line is... I have game.

girls csnt resist the misantropic grind

I’m ducking g awesome

ps billy Detroit trip is def possible in 2019 so prepare

Wow...that is creepy. All guys get hit on at weddings unless it’s a lesbian wedding. Thinking you got game cause you got hit on at a wedding is pretty creepy.