you guys got to chill

I really don’t care, if you’re disappointed. I’m not real happy with you, either.

I think it’s creepy behavior to lie to strangers to make an impression, to misrepresent yourself. It’s my opinion. I don’t need your approval. I’m sure USF and your buddies will think your behavior normal, but I thought it hilarious you had to not be yourself to make an impression and creepy you lie to strangers. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was the girl and learned you were a Trump supporter. I’d be, like, what else is this guy hiding...creepy!
Well he damned sure isn’t getting laid if acts like his true self!

would you describe your self as a compassionate person?

would you describe you stances as compassionate stances?

you are not a compassionate person by any standard and you KNOW that

its would seem you would be PROUD of being a sociopath
Well Desh...if you think about is one his better character traits. Think about how boring Grind would be if he were normal?
I appreciate that, and the feelings of respect have always been mutual.

As far as I can tell, according to accusations of Grind and his boyfriends SF, USF, and Legion, I am a dangerous sexual predator, a frightening cyber-stalker, a sexual harasser and abuser of women, and I have multiple court restraining orders against me. Yep, these are the accusations that have actually been publically posted.

The weird thing: all of these public accusations are being made by rightwing dudes who obviously hate my guts, bear unrelenting grudges towards me, and one of who has actually posted death fantasies about me. You would think a woman would let her fellow female posters know there was a dangerous “sexual predator” running loose!

Here is what I actually find creepy: Grind and his boyfriend have clearly spent over a decade and many, many countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, slandering me, and even dreaming about me. Yes, I said a Decade. In contrast, between Grind and his three boyfriends, I do not think I have read more than two dozen of their posts since 2009. I never think about them, never talk about them, and they are not on my radar in the slightest way. We are talking obsessive grudges and personal vendettas of epic proportions. I personally believe this is a case for mental health professionals to intervene in.

Well duh. Don’t you ever listen to Desh? He’s a fucking sociopath!

Which to be honest is what I like about Grind. Not all persons with social personality disorder grow up to to be serial killers or televangelist. Some grow up to be productive like policemen, race car drivers and message board moderators.
Yes, we must not feed the attention whore(s). lol

I've been on Internet forums -- mostly political -- for over 20 yrs. now. I have *never* seen such a bunch of whiny, easily-triggered, snowflake men as post here. Not all of them, of course, but the nancies are definitely heavily over-represented.

Something tells me you are only seeing less than ten percent of the Decade-long girlish gossiping, titillated giggling, muckraking, and rumour-spreading being done by these rightwing She-Men via private message, email, offline communication, etc. It creeps me out to even think this, but some of them might be having dreams at night about posters they do not know and will never meet.

would you describe your self as a compassionate person?

would you describe you stances as compassionate stances?

you are not a compassionate person by any standard and you KNOW that

its would seem you would be PROUD of being a sociopath

Wait, the stupid bitch who mocked me about my son dying of cancer, is lecturing people about compassion? Go fuck yourself six ways from Sunday you stupid fucking crack whore.
freedumb is the last person who can call others "creepy." Exhibit One, all of his threads and polls in the War Zone criticizing other posters. :nodyes:

What you are experiencing right now Christiecunt, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.

Something tells me you are only seeing less than ten percent of the Decade-long girlish gossiping, titillated giggling, muckraking, and rumour-spreading being done by these rightwing She-Men via private message, email, offline communication, etc. It creeps me out to even think this, but some of them might be having dreams at night about posters they do not know and will never meet.

You're right... we newbies missed all of that drama. But Amazon, where we came from, had the same over-a-decade-long stupid feud stuff with the same stupid personal vendettas and baseless accusations of this and that. There were 2-3 females who engaged in the personal contact outside of the forum, and even more males who did the same. There was a RW guy named Laz who even the other RW guys hated. He was accused of stalking, threats, constant lying, and other stuff. Some of that was likely true; if you had done a thing, Laz had done it better. Even childbirth. lol