you guys got to chill

I really don’t care, if you’re disappointed. I’m not real happy with you, either.

I think it’s creepy behavior to lie to strangers to make an impression, to misrepresent yourself. It’s my opinion. I don’t need your approval. I’m sure USF and your buddies will think your behavior normal, but I thought it hilarious you had to not be yourself to make an impression and creepy you lie to strangers. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was the girl and learned you were a Trump supporter. I’d be, like, what else is this guy hiding...creepy!


he lied to her about who he is and what he believes to get some pussy?


how fucking sociopathic of him

suprize suprize suprize
its in my links in my signature idiot

everyone can simply read them and tell you are a lying bag of Putin sperm

Listen you brain dead moron. As I stated, I have ALL signatures blocked. So if something is in your signature, post it here. Otherwise you are lying. Period.
I really don’t care, if you’re disappointed. I’m not real happy with you, either.

I think it’s creepy behavior to lie to strangers to make an impression, to misrepresent yourself. It’s my opinion. I don’t need your approval. I’m sure USF and your buddies will think your behavior normal, but I thought it hilarious you had to not be yourself to make an impression and creepy you lie to strangers. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was the girl and learned you were a Trump supporter. I’d be, like, what else is this guy hiding...creepy!

Where's anything to back up your accusation, Rana.

You were all mouth, yesterday, and now today you don't have any of the shit you referenced.

Just admit you're a fucking hypocrite.
Where's anything to back up your accusation, Rana.

You were all mouth, yesterday, and now today you don't have any of the shit you referenced.

Just admit you're a fucking hypocrite.
Grind posted it dim bulb before I had the opportunity. I’m not a hypocrite. The definition of creepy is behavior that makes you uncomfortable. Grind’s behavior would make me uncomfortable. If he pretended to be something he wasn’t that is devious and creepy by my standards. You’re welcomed to your own standards of creepy. It’s subjective, I’m entitled to to my own definition of creepy.
Grind posted it dim bulb before I had the opportunity. I’m not a hypocrite. The definition of creepy is behavior that makes you uncomfortable. Grind’s behavior would make me uncomfortable. If he pretended to be something he wasn’t that is devious and creepy by my standards. You’re welcomed to your own standards of creepy. It’s subjective, I’m entitled to to my own definition of creepy.

Yet you are ok with the behavior of Cypress. You are enabling a misogynist. That is what is creepy.
Grind posted it dim bulb before I had the opportunity. I’m not a hypocrite. The definition of creepy is behavior that makes you uncomfortable. Grind’s behavior would make me uncomfortable. If he pretended to be something he wasn’t that is devious and creepy by my standards. You’re welcomed to your own standards of creepy. It’s subjective, I’m entitled to to my own definition of creepy.

How is a woman saying she's interested in him, "creepy"??

<this should be interesting>

What rana is also failing to note is that my post was clearly made with a lot of jest and exaggeration. I didn’t actually claim to be a full libtard idiot
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What rana is also failing to note is that my lost was clearly made with a lot of jest and exaggeration. I didn’t actually claim to be a full libtard idiot

But you see, the full retard liberals aren't intelligent enough to comprehend the difference, thus you should be able to understand why she is so confused. They do not dwell in reality. Just whatever nonsensical fantasies their masters have created for them.
I don’t think anyone could objectively look at that post and think it’s anyway related to what rana was trying to insinuate earlier
Liar, Lady T, christiefan, Owl evince, and I have no problem with him.

I appreciate that, and the feelings of respect have always been mutual.

As far as I can tell, according to accusations of Grind and his boyfriends SF, USF, and Legion, I am a dangerous sexual predator, a frightening cyber-stalker, a sexual harasser and abuser of women, and I have multiple court restraining orders against me. Yep, these are the accusations that have actually been publically posted.

The weird thing: all of these public accusations are being made by rightwing dudes who obviously hate my guts, bear unrelenting grudges towards me, and one of who has actually posted death fantasies about me. You would think a woman would let her fellow female posters know there was a dangerous “sexual predator” running loose!

Here is what I actually find creepy: Grind and his boyfriend have clearly spent over a decade and many, many countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, slandering me, and even dreaming about me. Yes, I said a Decade. In contrast, between Grind and his three boyfriends, I do not think I have read more than two dozen of their posts since 2009. I never think about them, never talk about them, and they are not on my radar in the slightest way. We are talking obsessive grudges and personal vendettas of epic proportions. I personally believe this is a case for mental health professionals to intervene in.
I don’t think anyone could objectively look at that post and think it’s anyway related to what rana was trying to insinuate earlier

I thought it sounded like the drunken ramblings of someone who doesn't date very often, got a head full of himself due to being liquored up, and thought some girl had the hots for him ("can't stop thinking about me") because someone told him that the girl asked about him. Maybe she was asking how many restraining orders he has? Or, "Is he always that stuck on himself?" lol

It wasn't so much creepy as kind of sad, in a teenage boy who is still a virgin kind of way.
That’s just your perception once, again. You think of creepy in one way, but as a female, I know there are several different types of creepy. I knew in which term I was referring.

To me it sounded like typical drunken male bragging, the kind that's often offensive because it sounds like women are conquests or objects rather than ppl, and easily-impressed objects at that. Like what you might expect from a teenager, or Trump. It's not the kind of thing you expect that someone who's calling another guy a "creep" would be doing.
Making false accusations is all the rage with liberal women right now. Just ask Kavanaugh. Also the new one accusing Trump that has pretty much destroyed her own credibility each time she gives an interview.

You're such a big defender of abused women because of your sister, yet you've criticized all the women who have called out trump, Kavanaugh and god knows who else about harassing or abusive behaviour.

You don't have the honesty to admit that you only hate on women who've accused conservative men of abuse.
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