you guys got to chill

Is sounds to me like you lie and misrepresent yourself to try to get into women's pants.

Can you not just be yourself to get a date?

I also believe Desh's story about you laughing about dying dogs. That sounds right up your alley.

Let me make this crystal clear to you: Your decade long obsession with me, your constant innuendo, and the girlish gossip of you and your boyfriends have no affect on me, and I do not believe it effects the opinion of my friends in the slightest.

It just makes you and your boyfriend look like obsessive creeps who cling to lingering grudges and imaginary grievances for over a DECADE about a dude you do not know, will never meet, and know virtually nothing about. I do not know or care about the origin and nature of your DECADE long grudge towards me. But Desh seems to think you are some sort of sociopath.

A decade is a long time for an obsession. I suggest counseling at this point.

im not obsessed with you at all. I barely talk or mention you. In fact you've gone out of your way more times to tell me how much you totes don't care about me than I have referred to you. You are the one that makes sure everytime to threadban me which means you always have to track my recent name changes (which I do a lot) that's pretty fucking obsessive if you ask me.

but you really bring it on yourself because you act all high and mighty when really you are just a beta creepy loser. creepy cypress.

I am done reading you, and did not read a word.

You obviously have spent a significant part of the last decade thinking about me, gossiping about me, and I am pretty sure you make it a point to read almost everything I write.

You know how many of your posts I have read since 2009? Maybe ten.

That kind of imbalance speaks to clear evidence of obsession.

My friends have spoken up for me.

You have your boyfriends Legion, USFreedom, and SF standing with you.

Here is my standard response to you.
He mocked the handicap man.

No he didn't, you're not really handicapped, and he was only kidding.

It's self explanatory. evince mocked me about losing my son to cancer. That's what I meant when I said you put up with some pretty vile characters on your side of the aisle.

Before I agree with your vileness assessment, I'd like to read that whole exchange. I'm sorry about your son. I can't imagine the losses you have been through with your children.
No he didn't, you're not really handicapped, and he was only kidding.


That is mocking a handicapped person, even if he didn't mean it that way. Being handicapped myself, I can tell you what he did was reprehensible. The proper thing to do is to explain, apologize, and not handle stuff like that in such a horrendously boorish manner in the future. Playing it off with the usual can do no wrong, Trump attitud, makes him just as guilty as outright debauchery. That kind of behavior is unacceptable as representation of America, or much of anything civilized.
That is mocking a handicapped person, even if he didn't mean it that way. Being handicapped myself, I can tell you what he did was reprehensible. The proper thing to do is to explain, apologize, and not handle stuff like that in such a horrendously boorish manner in the future. Playing it off with the usual can do no wrong, Trump attitud, makes him just as guilty as outright debauchery. That kind of behavior is unacceptable as representation of America, or much of anything civilized.

I'm not sure which is worse,Trump doing it
or his supporters defending him!
I am done reading you, and did not read a word.

You obviously have spent a significant part of the last decade thinking about me, gossiping about me, and I am pretty sure you make it a point to read almost everything I write.

You know how many of your posts I have read since 2009? Maybe ten.

That kind of imbalance speaks to clear evidence of obsession.

My friends have spoken up for me.

You have your boyfriends Legion, USFreedom, and SF standing with you.

Here is my standard response to you.

"reeeee i dont read your posts but watch me respond with multiple long ones myself i'm creepy cypress!"