you guys got to chill

You don't deny it, do you? Or telling him what a horrible parent he was?

he is

he has a little girl and supports things that will LIMIT her life

he thinks of himself and not her.

she will someday understand what he did

she wont much like it
if you realized your mother voted to have your rights reduced back when you were a toddler would you be proud of that?
he is

he has a little girl and supports things that will LIMIT her life

he thinks of himself and not her.

she will someday understand what he did

she wont much like it
I rest my case. I just wanted you to admit that you've said all those horrible no one here has any doubt of how vile you are...not they they ever did....
I rest my case. I just wanted you to admit that you've said all those horrible no one here has any doubt of how vile you are...not they they ever did....

you did not prove what was claimed idiot

go get the posts

wack voted to have his own daughters life limited

she will some day not much like him for that
You gave us all the proof we need....I believe will everyone else....

because you idiots would believe anything

like Iraq has weapons even after Clinton Bombed them the fuck to hell

like Trump is a good businessnessman

like trickle down works even after EVERYTIME its tried it screws America

You don't do facts and proof
You gave us all the proof we need....I believe will everyone else....

Actually, "everyone else" is limited to you and a couple of your psycho masters. I still have yet to see any proof that Evince said something vile to countryboy regarding his son who had cancer. You haven't either, but like the sycophantic puppet that you are, you'll claim that you did while refusing to prove it. Now go scoot along and pretend to be an animal rescuer on social media. :laugh: