you guys got to chill

If I recall I said something to the effect that I didn't believe him because I didn't believe he is a real human
that is what happens when you fail repeatedly to accept cold hard facts and instead traffic in lies

its an unhuman action that makes people believe you are a fake
How so?:) Be specific;) Please;)

You're demanding that she deny an alleged comment when you do the same thing every day.

I asked you to deny that you posted racist jokes on Amazon and you deflected. I asked you what TOPICWAQ stood for and you deflected.
Grind once renamed himself after a famous serial killer out of a movie

he then began telling me he would show up at my door uninvited

I told he no he would not

and he said NEVER SAY NEVER

I then let him know if he showed up in my life uninvited I would kill him

I explained to him clearly that if he did it I would see it as a threat to my life and would full rights to kill him

he tried to pass it off as some harmless offer of friendship

Sure some fucking creep on the internets who names himself with a KILLERS name and says I can never say never to him

grind is an evil person

for some fucking reason he likes being evil but doesn't want to be called evil

if he loves the philosophy of evil and acts in evil ways why wouldn't he be proud of his evil?

just like racists …….sociopaths hate who they are

Go and get the proof.

Actually, "everyone else" is limited to you and a couple of your psycho masters. I still have yet to see any proof that Evince said something vile to countryboy regarding his son who had cancer. You haven't either, but like the sycophantic puppet that you are, you'll claim that you did while refusing to prove it. Now go scoot along and pretend to be an animal rescuer on social media. :laugh:

That's what I kinda thought. Very disappointed, but not surprised.
You're demanding that she deny an alleged comment when you do the same thing every day.

I asked you to deny that you posted racist jokes on Amazon and you deflected. I asked you what TOPICWAQ stood for and you deflected.
Yes, I'm asking that she deny it if it's not true....but I understand..."the requests" being "deflected" are the same:laugh:
I believe countryboy. Do you believe Desh?
Spare me your indignation. You can't even pretend to think like women think; you just attribute your own biases and attitudes to them.

LOL... so, you accuse me of something, I say 'show me where I did that'... then you say 'spare me your indignation'. fucking hilarious. No wonder you believe every accuser of a conservative. Also, when did I claim to 'think like women think'? You simply keep making shit up and then running away when asked to substantiate your claims.

I believe Dr. Ford and the trump accusers because I speak as a woman who was sexually harassed, just like them. I can remember what happened and where, but not the exact date, time or other minutia... just like Dr. Ford and the trump accusers.

First, there is a HUGE difference between sexual harassment and RAPE. Second, Ford cannot recall WHERE it happened, WHEN it happened, the YEAR it happened etc... She could recall nothing other than 'he did it'. That is not very common for rape victims.

You seem to think that's unlikely but actually it's all too common, because in the shock of the moment the only emotion you have is fear and anxiety. It's laughable to hear you pronounce on the women's credibility. YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE. NOT ONE.

This is just your nonsensical moronic ranting. Yes, in the moment the fear/anxiety/shame tend to be overwhelming. But that very natural intense emotional response is why most rape victims recall details vividly, why they recall the day, time and location. Yes, many will lock away memories due to the intense and violent nature.

Again... you are the one who continues to make accusastions... back them up or admit you lied.

I have not seen any abuse, attack, stalking or harassment here as you claim. I do see you acting all holier-than-thou and vindictive for close to a decade even though you were explicitly called out on your actions. You of all people have no business attacking anybody, given your own nasty attitude toward the women here.

Y O U lack honesty, character and common decency. Go project your deficiencies elsewhere, clearly you're not able to use this forum for it's intended purpose. It's only about revenge for you.

LMAO... this thread has the quotes from the individual he stalked. It is blatantly clear. It is easy to read. There is so much irony in this last part. The holier than thou schtick is what the stalker does, you defend him. I was 'called out on my actions'? What the fuck are you talking about now? Yes, I am going to continue to call him out... as long as he continues to pretend it didn't happen and that he is a 'really good guy'. You enable his mentality. You are helping set up other women in the future for his abuse. All because you are a political hack to ignorant to recognize what has clearly be outlined for you.

Finally... since you can't seem to recall the numerous times this has already been posted...

"Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.

Yes, I'm asking that she deny it if it's not true....but I understand..."the requests" being "deflected" are the same:laugh:
I believe countryboy. Do you believe Desh?

I'm not playing your game, Toxic. The bottom line is that you're demanding someone else do what you yourself won't do. It's your usual double standard (i.e. hypocrisy) on display.
I'm not playing your game, Toxic. The bottom line is that you're demanding someone else do what you yourself won't do. It's your usual double standard (i.e. hypocrisy) on display.
You never want to chat...I understand...;) That being said,
Let's see if Desh will deny that she made the vile remarks concerning his son....
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