you guys got to chill

You said you didn't want to play;) Did you change your mind?
(btw..."vile" jokes are in the eye of the beholder...vile remarks in regard to someone's child who's passed...vile to everyone....always...every single time....)

Racist jokes are vile, period. There is no "eye of the beholder" except in the eyes of the original racist and the other racists who applaud those jokes.
You're wrong. The only people using the word "stalking" are Grind and Superfreak.

Phan contacted all the women who currently post plus a few other former posters and nobody said they were "stalked."

The mod who doesn't back her up is Grind; I haven't seen the others offer an opinion.

And yes, he has denied the allegations many times. Curious that you haven't seen them but you see all the posts against him.

Lying about what Cypress?

If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong.

You have some nerve whining about personal information being posted by SF (and conflating what happened here with egregious things happening to others like Zappa), when he in fact, is the gentleman on this thread.

I have been holding back from saying anything, but you better look in the mirror. Whatever grenade SF lobbed at you, it is pretty low to throw me on top of it because you can't handle him.

And publically implying that I did those things with have a good kick in the nuts coming mister."

"Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


Christies response to the above... 'nothing happened, Cypress is a nice guy'. ROFLMAO

All the women that are 'proud supporters', please post your 'list'. Because that is the same list that has NO business ever complaining about any other man being misogynistic/abusive... ever again.

Learn to pronounce
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.
Big difference,Monica wasn't an innocent woman walking down the street

She didn’t deserve the sick assed treatment she received by the right wing scum machine either. Particularly from master hypocrite Ken Star who tried to destroy her life if she didn’t lie for him. A man who literally sanctioned rape as President of Baylor. There has been greater piece of human excrement in public life like Ken Star in my life time.
Why don't you tell that to the Amazonians who brought everything from that board to this one and talk about it to this day, almost two years after they joined JPP?

Probably because I have no idea who anyone from that board is... and I have no idea what they are talking about that is from there. So if you point it out, I will be happy to state the same.
Christies response to the above... 'nothing happened, Cypress is a nice guy'. ROFLMAO

All the women that are 'proud supporters', please post your 'list'. Because that is the same list that has NO business ever complaining about any other man being misogynistic/abusive... ever again.

Here's my response to that, SF, and you can take it to the bank.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Stop using Darla as a pawn in your stupid vendetta. If you really considered her to be your friend, you would not keep bringing up the past for all these years, after getting the above reply from her.
Here's my response to that, SF, and you can take it to the bank.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Stop using Darla as a pawn in your stupid vendetta. If you really considered her to be your friend, you would not keep bringing up the past for all these years, after getting the above reply from her.

Yet you still defend Cypress. Despite the above.

That said, link me up to that conversation. I do not recall it off hand, but I will take a look if you provide the link.
That's what I kinda thought. Very disappointed, but not surprised.

You know, if someone on the left said "Countryboy said he wished I die from my cancer," I would not automatically believe it just because I happened to share the same POV as the speaker. I'd want proof. I asked you yesterday if you could show the posts where Evince said that about your child. I don't know if you didn't see it, or what. Can you show me that conversation? Thanks.