you guys got to chill

I'll see if I can find it later, if I have time. Searching her crazy ravings ain't exactly my favorite pastime. Have you ever known me to speak to a woman the way I speak to evince? Do you believe I would get that upset for no reason?

I've seen you say any number of nasty things to various ppl when tempers are flaring, and gotten some in return too. I have seen Evince say some pretty rotten things when *her* temper is flaring, as have a lot of us. I'm not saying that I don't believe you; I just want to see the proof before I say something to her about it.
Same reason you're dredging up bogus shit from a decade ago on this board.

also, as I have stated numerous times... my responses have been to his posts every time. Previously I stated it would continue as long as he continues. But Christie brought up a post I had forgotten about. So I will honor that post.
Good. Then you'll have no problem denying you posted racist jokes on Amazon.

I keep asking for the same reason you keep asking Evince to deny a post.
Not the same reason, though;) For someone who won't play my game, you're posting away, aren't you:)?