you guys got to chill

Here's my response to that, SF, and you can take it to the bank.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Stop using Darla as a pawn in your stupid vendetta. If you really considered her to be your friend, you would not keep bringing up the past for all these years, after getting the above reply from her.

And if YOU considered her a friend; YOU would condemn Cypress for his behavior, instead of defending him.

She did.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 7:59:07 AM PST
Last edited by the author 35 minutes ago

Got an ethnic job joke for you TR...

A black guy walks into his neighborhood welfare office, goes up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm tired of foodstamps, monthly checks, and other government handouts. I'm ready to get a real job."
The man behind the counter says, "Great--I actually just got a request from a very rich man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You job duties would include driving around in a huge white Mercedes, and the uniforms are provided. The hours are kind of long but you will be given meals and housing. You will be allowed escort the young lady on her cruises and international holidays. The salary package is $250,000 a year, to start."
The guy says, "Ah c'mon, bro, you've got to be bul..s...ting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Have a great day, TR!
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 9:43:22 AM PST
ignatov says:
"black guy walks into his welfare office and says, 'Hi, I'm tired of government handouts. I'm ready to get a job.'"

Please don't tell racist jokes in this forum.
Oct 28, 2014 3:03:06 PM PDT

Just use​ ​
"​da iggie"
button...bless yo heart
In reply to your post on Aug 24, 2015 1:39:12 PM PDT
TOPIC says:
here's the second one
"yo IF Dere'$$ Ne11 Hoo knows Frmm FAke blaqq VOICeS, It'$ RRRR DArliN MI$$ toXiCC Wif Hur eRSaTz BlaQ nI$$a, a''' Hurr PENCHant FO' uSiN` A OnliNE eBoNix TranSmaLatorr TA $ho DAt $he'$$ Nawt Uh RaCiST bRacee Yo'$elF Foo'!!
You are very welcome...
That one is English to Ghetto

UHHHHHHH - Your link is to a post of yours, not Tops.

desh literally just invents shit about me, tells it to herself like 100 times over, and then comes to believe it.

like there is some possability I made some weird joke sometimes, but even that is unlikely. she literally just makes shit up.

True that. And about the "possibility" you made some weird joke... (Probability factor 1:1 that Grind has made a joke that "shocked" Desh).
desh literally just invents shit about me, tells it to herself like 100 times over, and then comes to believe it.

like there is some possability I made some weird joke sometimes, but even that is unlikely. she literally just makes shit up.

She also honestly believes that there is a great following of folks reading her rants and that she really is making a difference by posting ill written prose about how every single person who disagrees with her is a sociopath.

So, when she posts this kind of thing she thinks she's warning her fan following about Grind and how he's superbad and they shouldn't credit anything he says with a read. In her head there's a website out there talking about us specifically and writing Fanfic about Desh and hats. This fanbase just sits around reading our posts and not participating and are convinced specifically by her posts, because they are often and short and don't make much sense, but there's tons of them.
In a post on Sept, 21 2017 9:59:07 PM PST

ThatOwlWoman says:

I really am a dog lover.

I love to adopt them, kill them, skin them, and then cook them.

I began doing this, with my first husband; who spent time in China and brought this behavior back with him.

We tried to eat at least 1 or 2 dogs a month; but we had to start buying them off of the internet adds, because the pet stores started questioning the amount that we were buying.

I've had to hide this from all of my other husbands; but unknown to them, they thought the stews were fabulous.

Puppies are the tenderest, especially when you cut them from the mother.


This is the dumbest thread on jpp in sometime where all of us wasted our time.

cypress is obviously creepy, go read the quotes from superfreak. He drunkenly emailed the same person for literal years. How’s that for obsession?

evince is obviously retarded. Nothing new on that front.

Mott takes every opportunity to make dad jokes and be a contrarian.

Ive been making my normal witty and intelligent posts but I can do that anywhere

are we gonna keep going for another 300 posts saying the same things? :thinking:
Does anyone else feel bad for damo that he’s clearly quoting page 1 posts atm and he’s got about 400 more posts of bullshit to get through? Poor guy
In a post on Sept, 21 2017 9:59:07 PM PST

ThatOwlWoman says:

I really am a dog lover.

I love to adopt them, kill them, skin them, and then cook them.

I began doing this, with my first husband; who spent time in China and brought this behavior back with him.

We tried to eat at least 1 or 2 dogs a month; but we had to start buying them off of the internet adds, because the pet stores started questioning the amount that we were buying.

I've had to hide this from all of my other husbands; but unknown to them, they thought the stews were fabulous.

Puppies are the tenderest, especially when you cut them from the mother.



hey evince is owl a sociopath?
It actually even more bizarre – yet weirdly comical – than just the "stalking" accusation.

Grind and his boyfriends USFreedom, Legion, Yurt, and SF have at various times made this laundry list of accusations about me.

I am a dangerous sexual predator.

A frightening cyber-stalker.

I have stalked multiple women (yes, more than one)

I am a sexual harasser and abuser of women.

And I supposedly have multiple court restraining orders against me.

It is the classic throwing everything but the kitchen sink and hoping something sticks.

The really weird thing is that this laundry list of false accusations and alleged crimes come from dudes - and not just any dudes, but the board’s foremost sociopaths and preeminent INCEL. You would think these supposed women victims of mine would have at least tried to warn their fellow female posters that a dangerous sexual predator was lurking here.

At this point, I chalk it up to a creepy, decade-long obsession and hate fetish consuming a small cabal of rightwing She-Males.

That is seriously some disturbing anger you have. Lends more credence to the claims against you being true.

You're seriously disturbed. Your post is downright psychotic.

Please seek help.
It was outrageous for some to be against any kind of crackers in chili!
Of course Top doesn't count,if Mason had been anti-cracker,she would have been pro-cracker.
The woman has zero credibility!
Those who grew up poor, used crackers in their chili to thicken it and make it stretch farther.

Plus it tended to stay with you longer and was more filling.

Same as using crackers in meatloaf.
She also honestly believes that there is a great following of folks reading her rants and that she really is making a difference by posting ill written prose about how every single person who disagrees with her is a sociopath.

So, when she posts this kind of thing she thinks she's warning her fan following about Grind and how he's superbad and they shouldn't credit anything he says with a read. In her head there's a website out there talking about us specifically and writing Fanfic about Desh and hats. This fanbase just sits around reading our posts and not participating and are convinced specifically by her posts, because they are often and short and don't make much sense, but there's tons of them.

LMAO, post of the year.
In a post on Sept, 21 2017 9:59:07 PM PST

ThatOwlWoman says:

I really am a dog lover.

I love to adopt them, kill them, skin them, and then cook them.

I began doing this, with my first husband; who spent time in China and brought this behavior back with him.

We tried to eat at least 1 or 2 dogs a month; but we had to start buying them off of the internet adds, because the pet stores started questioning the amount that we were buying.

I've had to hide this from all of my other husbands; but unknown to them, they thought the stews were fabulous.

Puppies are the tenderest, especially when you cut them from the mother.



You're a sick lying fuck, man. Got a link to this nonsense?
Using three kinds of beans,adds so much to chili flavor.
I like to use,red kidney beans,pinto beans,and black beans.
Been thinking of using ground beef,and ground bison,next time!
Using three kinds of beans,adds so much to chili flavor.
I like to use,red kidney beans,pinto beans,and black beans.
Been thinking of using ground beef,and ground bison,next time!

I can't really eat chili anymore, but I was going to try using my Adzuki beans in it, before I started being sick.