you guys got to chill

You seem triggered. You're awfully defensive about me showing your stalker threads. You wrote this: "If she hadn't continued trying to hid behind her lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over a long time ago..." Y O U decided she was lying and Y O U ordered her through multiple threads to accede to your demands. That is stalking, buddy. Everything else you wrote is just blather to cover your actions.

Btw, no woman here has started multiple threads about others like you've done so you can stop deflecting.

Round three: Rana!!!!

I figured you would go this route and you didn't fail to do so; because you have nothing else to fall back on and once again, I find your "efforts" to be amusing. :D

And it's untrue that I decided she was lying; because her own words showed she was lying; but you NEED to defend her, because you'll never admit that a liberal woman is an idiot.

Just admit it, you're pissed off because Cypress was once again outed as an internet stalker and since he's a liberal; you HAVE to defend his creepy behavior. :good4u:

I stand by my previous comment of:

For all of your proclamations of equality, you obviously feel that women can say what they want and men are just supposed to smile and nod.

You're a fucking hypocrite and your just upset; because I know "which buttons to push" on you and "set you off"; plus you just don't like it, when I give back as good as I get and I "punch back" harder.

Why aren't you on the same level of finger pointing, when it's a woman doing it??

I do see that you're comprehension level has a lowered bar, because you appear to be ignoring the comments that Desh leaves; but to you, she was FORCED to say the things she does.

Since USFreedom has been one of the most egregious of this twisted trio of boyfriends who have relished and indulged in the sweet elixir of libel and slander, there is not code of conduct that prevents me from pointing out that in addition to his stalking, he is an extremely creepy sexual harassser of female posters.

Since when is speculation of another person's motives, sexual harassment; but your own behavior now, is another matter??

I figured you would go this route and you didn't fail to do so; because you have nothing else to fall back on and once again, I find your "efforts" to be amusing. :D
And it's untrue that I decided she was lying; because her own words showed she was lying; but you NEED to defend her, because you'll never admit that a liberal woman is an idiot.
Just admit it, you're pissed off because Cypress was once again outed as an internet stalker and since he's a liberal; you HAVE to defend his creepy behavior. :good4u:

I stand by my previous comment of:

For all of your proclamations of equality, you obviously feel that women can say what they want and men are just supposed to smile and nod.

You're a fucking hypocrite and your just upset; because I know "which buttons to push" on you and "set you off"; plus you just don't like it, when I give back as good as I get and I "punch back" harder.

Why aren't you on the same level of finger pointing, when it's a woman doing it??

I do see that you're comprehension level has a lowered bar, because you appear to be ignoring the comments that Desh leaves; but to you, she was FORCED to say the things she does.

:rofl2: Triggered! Think I'll dig up some of your poet and Howey stalking threads, too. By the time I'm done with this it'll show that most of the WZ stalking posts are yours.

Stand proud!
:rofl2: Triggered! Think I'll dig up some of your poet and Howey stalking threads, too. By the time I'm done with this it'll show that most of the WZ stalking posts are yours.

Stand proud!

LOL - You fail to see that it's YOU who is triggered and your comments are just YOU projecting; because YOU are the one keeping this going. :good4u:

I've got YOU dancing to my tune, so much; that YOU HAVE to continue to bring forth things to try and divert from YOUR GENDER HYPOCRICY.

:rofl2: Triggered! Think I'll dig up some of your poet and Howey stalking threads, too. By the time I'm done with this it'll show that most of the WZ stalking posts are yours.

Stand proud!

Yes but will his toxic stalker still love him after that? Oh wait, she doesn't care that he leaves his elderly dog outside 24/7 in the hot Arizona sun, calls women "cunts," and is said to be one of the biggest stalkers on JPP. None of that matters because they both fear and chase after the same people! lol
Yes but will his toxic stalker still love him after that? Oh wait, she doesn't care that he leaves his elderly dog outside 24/7 in the hot Arizona sun, calls women "cunts," and is said to be one of the biggest stalkers on JPP. None of that matters because they both fear and chase after the same people! lol

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

Looks like Cypress, JPP's internet stalker, has another supporter and fan; kind of like those women who become infatuated with with men on death row, for murder(s). :palm:

LOL - You fail to see that it's YOU who is triggered and your comments are just YOU projecting; because YOU are the one keeping this going. :good4u:

I've got YOU dancing to my tune, so much; that YOU HAVE to continue to bring forth things to try and divert from YOUR GENDER HYPOCRICY.

Sit tight, dummy. I hit the mother lode with poet and Howey and it's going to take awhile. :rofl2:
"...frazzled..." LOL

That would be the way you appear; seeing as how you've don't nothing this morning, except to "run around" the archives.

And would you care to show where anything I've posted, was anything but in reference to their own words??

Why would I be frazzled when unlike you, I don't have One. Single. Thread. in the WZ that's only about stalking other posters.

I searched out, collated and posted your stalker threads to save others the job of looking for them. It was a public service. Also it has nothing to do with what those people wrote, it's about your stalking only.

"If [you] hadn't continued trying to hid behind [your] lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over already..."

Too bad, so sad. :rofl2:
Why would I be frazzled when unlike you, I don't have One. Single. Thread. in the WZ that's only about stalking other posters.

I searched out, collated and posted your stalker threads to save others the job of looking for them. It was a public service. Also it has nothing to do with what those people wrote, it's about your stalking only.

"If [you] hadn't continued trying to hid behind [your] lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over already..."

Too bad, so sad. :rofl2:

LOL - You can deny this all you want; but you forget that I've become accustomed to your "behavior", over these many years, and YES, you are frazzled, triggered and desperate.

Aside from those on your band wagon; I haven't seen anyone expressing a desire to see my past threads or thanking you for being so "diligent".

I stand by a previous comment of mine:

GEE, it seems your "STALKING" me; but then, you are blind to your own hypocrisy. :D

At least I've given purpose to your life and have shown how easily you are "triggered".

But please continue; so I can continue pushing your buttons and laughing at you, while you defend your BFF Creepy Cypress.


LOL - You can deny this all you want; but you forget that I've become accustomed to your "behavior", over these many years, and YES, you are frazzled, triggered and desperate.

Aside from those on your band wagon; I haven't seen anyone expressing a desire to see my past threads or thanking you for being so "diligent".

I stand by a previous comment of mine:

GEE, it seems your "STALKING" me; but then, you are blind to your own hypocrisy. :D

At least I've given purpose to your life and have shown how easily you are "triggered".

But please continue; so I can continue pushing your buttons and laughing at you, while you defend your BFF Creepy Cypress.

I posted facts. You posted gossip, rumor and innuendo.

You were my original stalker dating back to Netscape so I know how you operate. You're only interest is in stalking and bashing people you don't like and your posts show it. You're doing the same thing to Cypress that you did to all the people I mentioned and more. I can gather and post those threads too.

Too bad you're so hypocritical you can't own up to your actions. You should be willing to do the same thing you demand of others; when you do this will be over. :rofl2: