you guys got to chill

You are so right. Anybody who scans all the War Zone threads can see that freedumb's main reason for being here is to follow around posters and write BS about them.


My main reason for being here; is to give you purpose in life, by following me around and complaining.

Yep. He's like Pavlov's dogs... sees a post by someone he's currently enraptured with. Responds with stupid in large red letters. Rinse, repeat. USF and his toxic girlfriend got no room to be calling *anyone* else "stalker" or "obsessed." In all fairness though, the USF-Jack bromance is a consensual relationship that gets both of them off. lol

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

I do not care in the least about your decade long obsession, but Christie is one of my friends who sticks up for me, I stick up for her, and just as importantly she knows the truth. Having friends who stick up for you is clearly outside the realm of your life experience.

Get this through your skull: I had nothing to do with your unrequited infatuation which obviously has continued into its second decade, Nothing about your unrequited infatuation is my fault.

There have been many real, actual women on this thread directly pointing to and calling out the creepy behavior, the stalking, the harassment by rightwing INCEL sociopaths.

My relationships, friendships, and consensual associations are none of your God damn business, but one of them from a decade ago has obviously become a watershed moment in your life. We are talking about two people you do not know and have never met. You need to consider counseling.

Your obsession and libel is of no consequence to me, and if this is still occupying your daily thoughts, your dreams, and your actions over a decade later then you have serious problems.

There is no libel you demented piece of shit. Your unwanted attention and your pathetic display are here for all to see. You can try as hard as you can to pretend it didn't happen, but the quotes are here.

Your are lucky damo deleted your pathetic meltdown. It showed your true colors. It showed how pathetic you are. Christie defending you simply shows she had no morals either. She has proven that she lacks all credibility when it comes to the topic of abuse.

You are a pathetic little stalker. One who thinks women like your creepy attention.

You are a sad little half man who tried to toss a woman under the bus because you couldn't stand up for yourself.
Sez the forum stalker and cyber bully. :D

Here's the deal SF. I'm done talking about this and am not going to write any more posts to you about it. But I will continue groaning what you say to show my disapproval.

LMAO... You have no credibility. None.

Of course you're done... You have proven beyond doubt you have no morals and lack all credibility when discussing abuse of women.
How is pointing out Desh's lies and stupidity, stalking; especially since she's lied about so many things and then ASKED for proof of her lies.

If she hadn't continued trying to hid behind her lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over a long time ago; but you must think it's OK for her lie about being a bigoted racist.

:rofl2: You're doing exactly what stalkers do, justifying it by saying it's her fault. That's what abusers do also... "If only she hadn't blah blah blah" or "she knows how to push my buttons" or "she set me off."

Round two: Darla
LMAO... You have no credibility. None.

Of course you're done... You have proven beyond doubt you have no morals and lack all credibility when discussing abuse of women.

Your lack of morals was on display during the Bart O'Kavanaugh business so you have no room to criticize. And take note that I just posted on a topic different from the one you've been harping on for twelve long, sad years. :rofl2:

I've never said anything close to your suggestion; but you sure do seem to be triggered and appear to be stalking me, according to your own guide lines. :D

For all of your proclamations of equality, you obviously feel that women can say what they want and men are just supposed to smile and nod. :palm:

You're a fucking hypocrite and your just upset; because I know "which buttons to push" on you and "set you off"; plus you just don't like it, when I give back as good as I get and I "punch back" harder.

Why aren't you on the same level of finger pointing, when it's a woman doing it??

I've never said anything close to your suggestion; but you sure do seem to be triggered and appear to be stalking me, according to your own guide lines. :D

For all of your proclamations of equality, you obviously feel that women can say what they want and men are just supposed to smile and nod. :palm:

You're a fucking hypocrite and your just upset; because I know "which buttons to push" on you and "set you off"; plus you just don't like it, when I give back as good as I get and I "punch back" harder.

Why aren't you on the same level of finger pointing, when it's a woman doing it??

You seem triggered. You're awfully defensive about me showing your stalker threads. You wrote this: "If she hadn't continued trying to hid behind her lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over a long time ago..." Y O U decided she was lying and Y O U ordered her through multiple threads to accede to your demands. That is stalking, buddy. Everything else you wrote is just blather to cover your actions.

Btw, no woman here has started multiple threads about others like you've done so you can stop deflecting.

Round three: Rana!!!!
You seem triggered. You're awfully defensive about me showing your stalker threads. You wrote this: "If she hadn't continued trying to hid behind her lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over a long time ago..." Y O U decided she was lying and Y O U ordered her through multiple threads to accede to your demands. That is stalking, buddy. Everything else you wrote is just blather to cover your actions.

Btw, no woman here has started multiple threads about others like you've done so you can stop deflecting.

Round three: Rana!!!!

Isn't it interesting how the stalkers seem to find each other and buddy up?
You seem triggered. You're awfully defensive about me showing your stalker threads. You wrote this: "If she hadn't continued trying to hid behind her lies and avoid being honest, it would have been over a long time ago..." Y O U decided she was lying and Y O U ordered her through multiple threads to accede to your demands. That is stalking, buddy. Everything else you wrote is just blather to cover your actions.

Btw, no woman here has started multiple threads about others like you've done so you can stop deflecting.

Round three: Rana!!!!

Since USFreedom has been one of the most egregious of this twisted trio of boyfriends who have relished and indulged in the sweet elixir of libel and slander, there is not code of conduct that prevents me from pointing out that in addition to his stalking, he is an extremely creepy sexual harassser of female posters.
Since USFreedom has been one of the most egregious of this twisted trio of boyfriends who have relished and indulged in the sweet elixir of libel and slander, there is not code of conduct that prevents me from pointing out that in addition to his stalking, he is an extremely creepy sexual harassser of female posters.

Weird how it's okay to write shit like that to females here, but if anyone makes the slightest pedo innuendo -- BAM -- the ban hammer comes. I saw another one earlier today where CFM told Phan that she was "fucking the boss," whoever that's supposed to be around here.
Weird how it's okay to write shit like that to females here, but if anyone makes the slightest pedo innuendo -- BAM -- the ban hammer comes. I saw another one earlier today where CFM told Phan that she was "fucking the boss," whoever that's supposed to be around here.

There is exactly a zero percent chance I would ever allow a poster like CFM to use my private property, aka website, to engage in degenerate racism and sexual harassment. But this site has evidently always considered racism, bigotry, and sexual harassment to be protected forms of "free speech". Women have literally been threatened with assault, threats to show up unannounced at their doors have been made, black posters have been called boy and N-word to their face, anti-semitism is ubiquitous, and just a general sense of moral depravity pervades this website. The only thing that keeps me coming back are my friends and the hilarious Trumpf-bashing!
There is exactly a zero percent chance I would ever allow a poster like CFM to use my private property, aka website, to engage in degenerate racism and sexual harassment. But this site has evidently always considered racism, bigotry, and sexual harassment to be protected forms of "free speech". Women have literally been threatened with assault, threats to show up unannounced at their doors have been made, black posters have been called boy and N-word to their face, anti-semitism is ubiquitous, and just a general sense of moral depravity pervades this website. The only thing that keeps me coming back are my friends and the hilarious Trumpf-bashing!

^ Yep, it's pretty much the same for me.