you guys got to chill

If you are so adamant that a certain previous poster doesn't want all this hashed up again, why do you go on and on and on pretending it never happened? You do realize that it is the pretending it never happened that keeps it going? If you respect her as you claim and want me to stop, then stop pretending the douche bag didn't do what we both know he did.

My comments were directed at that moron freedumb ICYMI. I'm not speaking for another poster, I'm giving my own opinion on 12 years of cyber-bullying. I already told you I'm not going into personal details and I also quoted a post from the previous poster that you and the others keep ignoring. Why should anyone believe you over the previous poster? What does my opinion have to do with your 12 years of harassment? Clearly the only one you're thinking of is yourself, not the certain previous poster or anyone else on this forum.

For some reason the other dolts here think you have the last word on the subject even though there's no way of checking your info because that would involve posting personal info. When it's posted that someone is an internet stalker or sexual predator that is defamation unless you have solid, irrefutable proof. If someone harasses you on this forum, you block them. If someone harasses you on social media you block them. If someone keeps emailing, you delete without reading. If someone threatens you, you report them to the cops. Ask Owlwoman how that works, she lived it.

Furthermore, Grind wrote "you internet stalked them when you didn't leave them alone." Unless Grind is using a PC pronoun, who is "them" and how did this gossip-mongering change from one person to many?
This is getting really sad;; because now Chrisitecunt is groaning over the revelation that she was groaning over being exposed as a supporter of Cypress, who was exposed as a
misogynist serial internet stalker.

Looks like she's having trouble with her hypocrisy.

If that's the road you want to go down, let's discuss your years and years of stalking and harassing women on this forum and the previous one. Let's discuss how you followed women around, smeared and insulted them, lied about them, demanded that they apologize for their comments, criticized their families, started threads about them, supported hacking them and so much more. How about if I name names of all these women you trashed?
About a week ago, I was watching Live PD, when a cop responded to a call from a man who said that he was stalked and harassed on the Internet. The cop carefully explained that the proper response was to take it up with the administrators of the site. There isn't much the police can do about it without a clear violation of the law.

Or, as Christie said, block them, block them, or delete their emails without reading them. She could have added, definitely do not respond to them.
My comments were directed at that moron freedumb ICYMI. I'm not speaking for another poster, I'm giving my own opinion on 12 years of cyber-bullying. I already told you I'm not going into personal details and I also quoted a post from the previous poster that you and the others keep ignoring. Why should anyone believe you over the previous poster? What does my opinion have to do with your 12 years of harassment? Clearly the only one you're thinking of is yourself, not the certain previous poster or anyone else on this forum.

For some reason the other dolts here think you have the last word on the subject even though there's no way of checking your info because that would involve posting personal info. When it's posted that someone is an internet stalker or sexual predator that is defamation unless you have solid, irrefutable proof. If someone harasses you on this forum, you block them. If someone harasses you on social media you block them. If someone keeps emailing, you delete without reading. If someone threatens you, you report them to the cops. Ask Owlwoman how that works, she lived it.

Furthermore, Grind wrote "you internet stalked them when you didn't leave them alone." Unless Grind is using a PC pronoun, who is "them" and how did this gossip-mongering change from one person to many?

That's it Christiecunt; keep defending Cypress, the internet stalker. :good4u:
If that's the road you want to go down, let's discuss your years and years of stalking and harassing women on this forum and the previous one. Let's discuss how you followed women around, smeared and insulted them, lied about them, demanded that they apologize for their comments, criticized their families, started threads about them, supported hacking them and so much more. How about if I name names of all these women you trashed?

How about you pull your head out of your ass and show the "stalking and harassing" you say exists; but make sure you include the comments I was responding to.

Time to put up, Christiecunt, or shut up.

But then, you won't do either; because they both show what a lying hypocrite you have become.

I await your PROOF, with baited breath. :D
How about you pull your head out of your ass and show the "stalking and harassing" you say exists; but make sure you include the comments I was responding to.

Time to put up, Christiecunt, or shut up.

But then, you won't do either; because they both show what a lying hypocrite you have become.

I await your PROOF, with baited breath. :D

You stalked and harassed Me. Rana. Darla. Evince. Nurcats. Sweetshru. Liz Gordon. Censored Red. Those are right off the top of my head.

You know very well what you said to all of us so don't try to play the "context" card.
You stalked and harassed Me. Rana. Darla. Evince. Nurcats. Sweetshru. Liz Gordon. Censored Red. Those are right off the top of my head.

You know very well what you said to all of us so don't try to play the "context" card.

Show the "stalking" and don't forget the comments I was responding to!!


do you ever find it pathetic youve started to have conversations with yourself on jpp? what's the matter? no one else will talk to you?

talk to myself?

you mean posting the facts even though you cant answer those FACTS with FACTS

even though you micro nutsack republicans have NO WAY to counter the facts I hand you?

so you groan and groan and groan but never answer?

dude these are words on a page

I have had people thank a post that I wrote long ago

I have looked accounts I have never seen posting out of curiosity and seen that they were reading my thread at the moment

these words will always exist

you cant control that

you seem to want to pretend we are all talking in real time here

sometimes we kinda are

but in most cases they are written and then not read by others until hours or days later

but then you are a sociopathic liar who thinks hes some grand manipulator

just remember

no insult you try to sling at me has ANY meaning in my life grindy

I find you to be a human being who lacks any morals or compassion

its like walking past a prison and having one of the orange clad minions scream out the window at you "you are a unrespected member of society"

its Trumpian

sociopaths can only think of themselves

so the insults for others they slice up are actually built on thoughts of themselves

they don't KNOW others humans really

Other humans are merely pawn pieces on the chessboard of their lives

they don't delve into who those people truly are

they merely reflect on the only thing that interests them


there fore all of their insults for others derive from their own self reflections

no one wants to talk to anyone who is only interested in themselves

that is you my little sociopath

Its why you have that "No second date Nate" problem

Its why after knowing you for a time your "friends" bail

its why your political ideas always fail in practice

they are the thoughts of a sociopathic philosophy

that is why humanity has only 4% of the population as sociopaths

the human species could not survive if most people were sociopaths who thought helping others was stupid and unfair to YOU

sociopaths don't make sound leaders

they would march all others to the cliffs edge and then run away after they talked everyone else into jumping off
My comments were directed at that moron freedumb ICYMI. I'm not speaking for another poster, I'm giving my own opinion on 12 years of cyber-bullying. I already told you I'm not going into personal details and I also quoted a post from the previous poster that you and the others keep ignoring. Why should anyone believe you over the previous poster? What does my opinion have to do with your 12 years of harassment? Clearly the only one you're thinking of is yourself, not the certain previous poster or anyone else on this forum.

For some reason the other dolts here think you have the last word on the subject even though there's no way of checking your info because that would involve posting personal info. When it's posted that someone is an internet stalker or sexual predator that is defamation unless you have solid, irrefutable proof. If someone harasses you on this forum, you block them. If someone harasses you on social media you block them. If someone keeps emailing, you delete without reading. If someone threatens you, you report them to the cops. Ask Owlwoman how that works, she lived it.

Furthermore, Grind wrote "you internet stalked them when you didn't leave them alone." Unless Grind is using a PC pronoun, who is "them" and how did this gossip-mongering change from one person to many?

Lmao... Ok Christie... You have proven once and for all that you have no credibility ever again on topics involving abuse.
You normally don't mind running around without proof. You hate facts and pretend opinions your masters give you are facts. You are an idiot.

dear fucking idiot,

the entire population here can read the old posts and threads which prove you backed all the idiot right wing shit and were proven wrong by the facts.

I on the other hand HONORED those facts and turned out to be correct

just repeating your fucking grade school level idiot insults in place of honoring facts is blatant to anyone who can read

fuck you very much
talk to myself?

you mean posting the facts even though you cant answer those FACTS with FACTS

even though you micro nutsack republicans have NO WAY to counter the facts I hand you?

so you groan and groan and groan but never answer?

dude these are words on a page

I have had people thank a post that I wrote long ago

I have looked accounts I have never seen posting out of curiosity and seen that they were reading my thread at the moment

these words will always exist

you cant control that

you seem to want to pretend we are all talking in real time here

sometimes we kinda are

but in most cases they are written and then not read by others until hours or days later

but then you are a sociopathic liar who thinks hes some grand manipulator

just remember

no insult you try to sling at me has ANY meaning in my life grindy

I find you to be a human being who lacks any morals or compassion

its like walking past a prison and having one of the orange clad minions scream out the window at you "you are a unrespected member of society"

its Trumpian

sociopaths can only think of themselves

so the insults for others they slice up are actually built on thoughts of themselves

they don't KNOW others humans really

Other humans are merely pawn pieces on the chessboard of their lives

they don't delve into who those people truly are

they merely reflect on the only thing that interests them


there fore all of their insults for others derive from their own self reflections

no one wants to talk to anyone who is only interested in themselves

that is you my little sociopath

Its why you have that "No second date Nate" problem

Its why after knowing you for a time your "friends" bail

its why your political ideas always fail in practice

they are the thoughts of a sociopathic philosophy

that is why humanity has only 4% of the population as sociopaths

the human species could not survive if most people were sociopaths who thought helping others was stupid and unfair to YOU

sociopaths don't make sound leaders

they would march all others to the cliffs edge and then run away after they talked everyone else into jumping off

dear fucking idiot,

the entire population here can read the old posts and threads which prove you backed all the idiot right wing shit and were proven wrong by the facts.

I on the other hand HONORED those facts and turned out to be correct

just repeating your fucking grade school level idiot insults in place of honoring facts is blatant to anyone who can read

fuck you very much

You continue to lie, that is all you do

good to hear you are beginning to accept your affliction

Being a sociopath is not the end for the world for you grind

It merely means there is a reason you don't understand relationships

try treating the people you encounter differently

You emotionally cant understand they are your equal and matter as much as you do

THINK intellectually and set YOUR broken emotions aside

KNOW the fact is Intellectually they are your equal and matter just as much as you do to the world.

its ONLY TO YOU EMOTIONALLY that they don't matter

The world will never see others the way you see them emotionally

that is merely your tiny little mindset



accept reality

being a sociopath is not a crime

ACTING like one is what will get you very bad results