you guys got to chill

Is it possible to libel someone on an anonymous message board?

Yes but that doesn't mean someone could win a lawsuit over it.

Libel Nature of Forums

A forum is a platform created for the exchange of information and opinions. Disagreements are common. Whereas people in a face-to-face discussion will generally act maturely when disagreeing about a topic, forum members act differently.

The design of most Internet forums is such that “artificial bravery” is a serious problem and libel the result. This artificial bravery comes in the form of anonymity. Just as catnip may remove any inhibitions on the part of a cat, anonymity seems to remove any sniff of maturity from many forum members. An otherwise respectable member of society will post the most outlandish of statements without a second thought.

The tendency to make wild, unsubstantiated statements on Internet forums often introduces an element of defamation to the equation. The defamation occurs in the form of libel since it is a written claim, and members tend to get their money worth when blasting another member. These same members then appear shocked to learn liability could arise from their defamatory statements. The question is whether the same is true for the forum.
Yes but that doesn't mean someone could win a lawsuit over it.

Libel Nature of Forums

A forum is a platform created for the exchange of information and opinions. Disagreements are common. Whereas people in a face-to-face discussion will generally act maturely when disagreeing about a topic, forum members act differently.

The design of most Internet forums is such that “artificial bravery” is a serious problem and libel the result. This artificial bravery comes in the form of anonymity. Just as catnip may remove any inhibitions on the part of a cat, anonymity seems to remove any sniff of maturity from many forum members. An otherwise respectable member of society will post the most outlandish of statements without a second thought.

The tendency to make wild, unsubstantiated statements on Internet forums often introduces an element of defamation to the equation. The defamation occurs in the form of libel since it is a written claim, and members tend to get their money worth when blasting another member. These same members then appear shocked to learn liability could arise from their defamatory statements. The question is whether the same is true for the forum.

I don't know about that!
Looks like Yurt is going to do hard time!:(
Yes but that doesn't mean someone could win a lawsuit over it.

Libel Nature of Forums

A forum is a platform created for the exchange of information and opinions. Disagreements are common. Whereas people in a face-to-face discussion will generally act maturely when disagreeing about a topic, forum members act differently.

The design of most Internet forums is such that “artificial bravery” is a serious problem and libel the result. This artificial bravery comes in the form of anonymity. Just as catnip may remove any inhibitions on the part of a cat, anonymity seems to remove any sniff of maturity from many forum members. An otherwise respectable member of society will post the most outlandish of statements without a second thought.

The tendency to make wild, unsubstantiated statements on Internet forums often introduces an element of defamation to the equation. The defamation occurs in the form of libel since it is a written claim, and members tend to get their money worth when blasting another member. These same members then appear shocked to learn liability could arise from their defamatory statements. The question is whether the same is true for the forum.

You have to show damages, I didn't see anything in the article about that.
Is it possible to libel someone on an anonymous message board?

Yes it is,especially in California,where a test case awarded 1.584 million dollars.
The Appeal is in the Davis California courts right now.

The tendency to make wild, unsubstantiated statements on Internet forums often introduces an element of defamation to the equation. The defamation occurs in the form of libel since it is a written claim,

Where is a link for this?
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I don't know about that!
Looks like Yurt is going to do hard time!:(

When to Sue for Defamation, Slander, and Libel

Defamation of character is an offense for which a complainant may be eligible to bring another party to civil court. There are two types of defamation: spoken defamation, or slander, and written defamation, or libel. The balance that makes defamation law tricky is that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives people the right of free speech. On the other hand, people should not be able to ruin the lives of others by disseminating lies to force a business to shut down or compel the breakdown of a family. Laws regarding when to sue for defamation vary from state to state, but generally speaking, four criteria must be met for a slander or libel suit to stand a chance of success.

The defamation, whether written or spoken, must be:
1) Demonstrably and objectively false
2) Seen or heard by a public third party
3) Quantifiably injurious
4) Unprivileged by law

Defamation Must Be Objectively False

It is not against the law to say mean things about somebody if they are either true or if they are entirely subjective. For instance, if a restaurant critic says that the food “was the worst I’ve had in a long time,” the statement, while mean, is vague and subjective enough to avoid a lawsuit. Similarly, environmental activists who make the public aware of corporate practices that harm the earth can’t be sued for defamation as long as they report on the facts.

Defamation Must Be Published

In order to prove injury, you have to prove that other people saw it, heard it, read it and had their minds changed because of the slanderous or libelous statements. Courts generally consider libel to be more serious than slander because writing lasts longer, though major television broadcasts often carry the same weight as major print or web publications because more people viewed them.

Defamation Must Cause Financial Injury

In order to determine the damages from a slander or libel suit, there must be quantifiable damages. Defamation of character damages a person’s or company’s reputation, and it must be proven that the damage to reputation correlated with a loss of money, property, relationship or was subject to harassment that led to any of the above losses.

Defamation Must Not Be Protected Speech

Examples of speech that is privileged and protected specifically by the U.S. Constitution from defamation laws include witness testimony in court and lawmaker statements in legislative chambers or official materials.
As long as the defamatory statements are published, false, injurious and unprivileged, you may have a case to file a defamation lawsuit. Of course, it is always advised to consult with a lawyer before taking any steps forward in your legal action.

So what was said, that was libelous?

This is the dumbest thread on jpp in sometime where all of us wasted our time.

cypress is obviously creepy, go read the quotes from superfreak. He drunkenly emailed the same person for literal years. How’s that for obsession?

evince is obviously retarded. Nothing new on that front.

Mott takes every opportunity to make dad jokes and be a contrarian.

Ive been making my normal witty and intelligent posts but I can do that anywhere

are we gonna keep going for another 300 posts saying the same things? :thinking:

I have drank less than 100 beers in the last 20 years, and I do not relentlessly drunk post women for years on end.
The contact I have with women are consensual, and an INCEL is going to have to explain to me the logic of pursuing women who make it clear from the beginning they find you repulsive.

"I’ve been here for a long time and I have contacted both current and former members who are women, and no one said he stalked them. All the women I did contact said that Cypress was their friend or was at one time a friend. All relationships were consensual. I looked through the moderators past reports and there were none that were made through that means of reporting."

There is no question that in four decades of adult life I have said something stupid or inappropriate to a woman when drunk. I wouldn’t expect a dateless INCEL like you to understand this, but normal men make mistakes, say dumb things, and say things they regret to women.

Here is the problem. You claimed I was “stalking women”. You helped spread the rumour that I am a dangerous sexual predator. You attempted to float the libel that I committed felonies, aka stalking. That false accusation and libel is not supported by anything you say, and there is not a single post from a female here claiming I am a dangerous stalker.
Anyone can ask any female member, current or past, anything about me. Anything.

“through my investigation, I have questioned women still posting here and those no longer posting and I can’t find one woman who claims they were harassed (by Cypress).”

LMAO... yet the fucking quote stating otherwise is on this thread. You pathetic piece of shit.
superfreak already posted the quotes detailing your drunken emailing behavior, among other such items

you internet stalked them when you didn't leave them alone.

I never said you did anything illegal. I said you were a creepy beta loser that stalks and creeps on women. I don't even particually care if you even do that, to be honest. I just think you are a hypocritical douche because you lift your pinky in the air about how you are this enlightened liberal who respects women and you call others all sorts of names when these names are basically exactly what you are without a hint of irony.

You be you cypress. No Judgement from me. Just have some self awareness. That's all I ask.

And keep reading my posts, bitch.

It's so sad you're into libeling yet another poster...

Wait, I mean it's so predictable, because gossip and innuendo are what you live for.

Still waiting for the identities of all these women.

If you are so adamant that a certain previous poster doesn't want all this hashed up again, why do you go on and on and on pretending it never happened? You do realize that it is the pretending it never happened that keeps it going? If you respect her as you claim and want me to stop, then stop pretending the douche bag didn't do what we both know he did.
Yes but that doesn't mean someone could win a lawsuit over it.

Libel Nature of Forums

A forum is a platform created for the exchange of information and opinions. Disagreements are common. Whereas people in a face-to-face discussion will generally act maturely when disagreeing about a topic, forum members act differently.

The design of most Internet forums is such that “artificial bravery” is a serious problem and libel the result. This artificial bravery comes in the form of anonymity. Just as catnip may remove any inhibitions on the part of a cat, anonymity seems to remove any sniff of maturity from many forum members. An otherwise respectable member of society will post the most outlandish of statements without a second thought.

The tendency to make wild, unsubstantiated statements on Internet forums often introduces an element of defamation to the equation. The defamation occurs in the form of libel since it is a written claim, and members tend to get their money worth when blasting another member. These same members then appear shocked to learn liability could arise from their defamatory statements. The question is whether the same is true for the forum.

yet when the actions he was accused of actually happened... it is not libel.