T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
We've been over that ground already. You are getting repetitive...
We've been over that ground already. You are getting repetitive...
Amazing how stupid you. You prove that Trump supporters are morons.
Conservatives have participated in driving corruption and have completely failed to protect either me or America from the WOKE Death Cult.
You're the last person to engage in honest discourse. All you do is express contempt for the left. Who fucking cares.
Absurd and childish.
You truly are a troll.
Please! Put on some clothes! Gross!
No. No one gives a shit about you. Now, please - for the children. Get dressed, you Nazi perv!
The death of the West is a murder/suicide.....dont forget the suicide part....capped off by the current control of America by the WOKE Death Cult.
This is wrong. Western Civilization is under attack from the Left because it was too successful. If there is anything the Left abhors, it is anyone or anything that is very successful. The Left hates:
The rich
Honest discourse
Anything that is successful must be abolished and torn down by the Left's thinking. That's why the Left is trying to destroy Western Civilization. Now, the real problem is what they'll replace that with...
Protect yourself, moron. Don't whine.
BTW as I am sure many of you are aware I am anti every religion because factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day.
If you are lame enough to try and claim non religious is a problem I challenge any of you to explain how not being religious is the cause of any war or divide.
Conservatives have participated in driving corruption and have completely failed to protect either me or America from the WOKE Death Cult.
I wonder how many countries have been set up so that there is no punishment for tyranny such as in Canada. You know since capital punishment was abolished so was the punishment for tyranny which was execution. Now these tyrants run amok because there is no punishment for tyranny.
And it all started around a decade or so ago when the WEF idiot main stream media was used to threaten anyone opposing their sick little little narrative as haters and homophobes which is what made conservatives such cowards. They still use the same tactic with all of their narratives for years now since. It's always slander people as hater for exposing WEF lies and deceptions.
Has anyone pointed out that you're a fucking Nazi?
You're the last person to engage in honest discourse. All you do is express contempt for the left. Who fucking cares.
Anyone with any level of intelligence and reasoning would have contempt for the Left. The Left has been for over two centuries the single leading cause of war, poverty, death, destruction, and societal collapse. In a word, the Left is the bane of humanity.
you're not wrong.
but please find the good parts of spirituality and or morality in general.
it;s a baby and bathwater scenario.