You Want To Know Why Western Civilizations Are Under Attack


Sickening it is and need be quashed.

The multi-decades brainwashing goes like this:

Liberals are the good people, conservatives are the bad people, you are clearly one of the good people....just look at how you care about the victims.....thus you are a liberal.

It has worked almost completely on lazy stupid people who either cant or wont think for themselves.
The multi-decades brainwashing goes like this:

Liberals are the good people, conservatives are the bad people, you are clearly one of the good people....just look at how you care about the victims.....thus you are a liberal.

It has worked almost completely on lazy stupid people who either cant or wont think for themselves.

Nailed in a nut shell Hawkeye, I mean you are correct but I think you know that on broader scale there is a wack of horseshit that went along with that nutshell version.
Nailed in a nut shell Hawkeye, I mean you are correct but I think you know that on broader scale there is a wack of horseshit that went along with that nutshell version.

Well now I think after we talk about the laziness and the ignorance next up is the narcissism and the sadism....other forms of the rot of the people in this particular dark age.

And Thanks.
Another thing that deserves mention is this idiotic certainty that those who did life before us have nothing to teach us, thus there is no point in even cracking the books they left for us.
Let's take a look at what happened over hundreds of years to the Jews.

Over a hundred times, over hundreds of years the Jews have been evicted from just about everywhere on the old continent they went including where they call Israel twice before the Germans stepped up and saved them from being slaughtered by the muslims. When the Jews started pulling their crap in Germany (the same crap that kept getting them evicted over a hundred times for hundreds of years) The Germans got fed up and wanted to evict them and when no other country would take them in such mass numbers so began what they call the holocaust.

Every country that refused to take them including Germany who saved them from genocide (of which genocide is wiping out every single one) are now targets for divide and conquer. So basically Jews are trying to put the blame and hate on everyone else for where their sick ways have proven to lead them hundreds of times over hundreds of years like everyone else is the problem.

So now the Jews (The World Economic Forum of which if you research members you will find a majority of them are Jews) are using back stabbing useful idiots to pull their crap on Western civilizations to divide, conquer and replace citizens under many guises while they push woke garbage to distract and offend as they use their useful idiots to try and make criminals out of citizens who speak against their disgusting filth.

It's time the world stepped up and threw WEF members and their useful idiots behind bars, take their wealth and give it back to the countries they have been using their useful idiots to steal from for decades.

If you are an anti semitist that means you are against being divided and conquered while being made to suffer until killed by their sociopathic efforts.

You are crossing into blatant Nazism with your lies.
Worth noting that fascists always used to claim they were opposed to supposed globalists. Now they claim they are not fascists, and the supposed globalists are the fascists.

you're trying to conflate fascism and nationalism again.

they're not the same. that' the con.

the most dangerous fascism now is internationalist in nature.

multination corporations corrupting all governments and influencing policy to their favor in all countries is an internationalist fascist threat.

your word games can change reality.
Another thing that deserves mention is this idiotic certainty that those who did life before us have nothing to teach us, thus there is no point in even cracking the books they left for us.

Or some of what could be learned from is hidden by those who seek to deliberately create chaos to divide and conquer. I find that WEF members along with their useful idiots and sock puppet media can't handle a level playing field because all that these intellectual cowards primarily do is lie and deceive while falsely accusing others of what WEF etc. proves to be to try and make a blame game out of it to try and hide their lack of validity backing their pathetic excuses for claims as they also use such a pathetic tactic to have those who intellectually slaughter them with the greatest of ease banned especially from big tech platforms.


You are crossing into blatant Nazism with your lies.

Oh right coming from the jew the retard convention who attempt to falsely label anyone who stands against Jew sociopaths as nazis to try and hide you support the modern nazi jew sociopath sickos who's attacks on western civs around the world makes what hitlers nazis did look like a dent in a fender compared to international atrocities you intellectually weak and pathetic sick imbecile.
Or some of what could be learned from is hidden by those who seek to deliberately create chaos to divide and conquer. I find that WEF members along with their useful idiots and sock puppet media can't handle a level playing field because all that these intellectual cowards primarily do is lie and deceive while falsely accusing others of what WEF etc. proves to be to try and make a blame game out of it to try and hide their lack of validity backing their pathetic excuses for claims as they also use such a pathetic tactic to have those who intellectually slaughter them with the greatest of ease banned especially from big tech platforms.
The New Slavers are thugs who imagine themselves to be educated, but who clearly are not.......they lie to themselves constantly and they lie to others constantly.
Worth noting that fascists always used to claim they were opposed to supposed globalists. Now they claim they are not fascists, and the supposed globalists are the fascists.

They never were fascists to begin with retard. Classic example of liars slandering people then acting as if lying about people in the first place lends credibility when you are obviously too stupid to realize Walt that it reveals the opposite. You make such pathetic attempts to play the blame game based on labelling others of what you prove to be in attempt to hide your lack of validity as you attempt to make your slander of others the issue. You have no validity which is why you are an intellectually weak and pathetic compulsive obsessive liar just like your fellow WEF members, useful idiots along with their easily baited woke hate groups (lgbt, Antifa, BLM, radical so called feminists) and sock puppet main stream idiot media.