You Want To Know Why Western Civilizations Are Under Attack

Not at all but you are playing the blame game in desperate attempt to try and hide that it is the jew sociopaths who are playing the part of the nazi. My plasure to expose their sick behavior. What jew sociopaths are doing now makes what Hitler did look like a needle in a hay stack. The world stepped up to put Hitler out of power and now it's time for the world to step up once again against jew sociopaths and justly put them out of power.

You are an Antisemite who supports a totalitarian government. That actually DOES make you a Nazi.

"Jew" is capitalized - Adolf.
yes they do.

they all do.

quit lying, fascist gasbag.

That is insanely ignorant.

The Libertarian Party was founded by a man who won the Nobel Prize in economics, Murray J. Rothbard, who utterly dismantled Keynesian economics and Lord Keynes himself in several debates.

Anarcho-Capitalism is the polar opposite of Keynesian theory.

You need to read Ludwig Von Mises, Fredrich Hayek, Joseph Salerno and the other giants of economics.

I've read the "General Theory," and it ultimately cannot stand the light of day. Faulty foundations lead to faulty conclusions. Lord Keynes was a pampered academic who never ventured into the real world.
That is insanely ignorant.

The Libertarian Party was founded by a man who won the Nobel Prize in economics, Murray J. Rothbard, who utterly dismantled Keynesian economics and Lord Keynes himself in several debates.

Anarcho-Capitalism is the polar opposite of Keynesian theory.

You need to read Ludwig Von Mises, Fredrich Hayek, Joseph Salerno and the other giants of economics.

I've read the "General Theory," and it ultimately cannot stand the light of day. Faulty foundations lead to faulty conclusions. Lord Keynes was a pampered academic who never ventured into the real world.

but now libertarians still spout their shit about pro corporations whistle pretending the Keynesian totalitarian fascism isn't in full effect.

this is why libertarians NOW are full of bullshit and generally just sold out deep staters.

I am needed to keep all of you in check.

you people know in the hegelian dialectic of hero journey dramatic control, nobody gets to "win".
Just please stay within 1000' of schools and playgrounds.

That's what they keep telling you to do (only they tell you don't go within a thousand feet) so now you attempt to try and drag others down to your sick level to try and hide that you have no validity on the foundation of the issue as demonstrated in the OP just like pop tart kept doing go figure
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It reminds me of how so many now belong to churches that have been converted to WOKE in stealth...and they think they are Christians....

Not Remotely.
Just got done with this...all three are only gets worse from here as far as the eyes can see:

More people are seeing what is going on....but there is no sign that enough will stand up to stop this Evil.
You are an Antisemite who supports a totalitarian government. That actually DOES make you a Nazi.

"Jew" is capitalized - Adolf.

I am anti every religion after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies so thanks for that compliment by calling me anti semitist which means I stand against jew sociopaths dividing and conquering western civs and you being a sick and filthy liar doesn't qualify anyone a nazi. Not worth the bother to capitalize jew dummy. I support democracy but you totalitarian types always label those who expose your garbage as what you prove the be to try and make a blame game out of it to try and confuse the issue to try and hide that you have no validity when it comes to the foundation of the issue as your pathetic self do obviously demonstrates right here.
Know, not wish...

Oh really, considering I have been behind the scenes of the public eye fighting the good fight while even in contact with tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions over the course of many years for example you don't know shit. You wish.