youngins no longer rule

You should understand that there are forms of sexuality, of varying levels and degrees, and thus different ways of expresing and describing it. For example, making love, having sex, getting laid, screwing, getting fucked, etc. I would say that getting laid is cool, but maybe getting fucked is not something to be desired. Getting fucked by the government really sucks.

You still fail, btw, and though I'm willing to overlook your wanting to have sex with numerious guys on this site as simply part of your gay nature, I do find your projections to be tiring...

Dixie, Dixie, Dixie; er: 3D, 3D, 3D!!

This was a better attempt, by you, of spinning.
At least better the your other attempts. :cof1:

You were the one that revealed that your man love was for PMP and I never said there was anything wrong with that. :good4u:

If you're going to refuse help, when it's offered, your never going to be able to resolve a lot of your problems; especially the problem you have, trying to project your behavior onto someone else. :palm:

Anyway; here's to you and PMP and I hope you two are able to work your problems out. :clink:
Nothing of substance.

You see, USF, there's really no need for decent people to go around accusing others of being gay. Its fun as an insult for a few minutes, but when someone has not only lost the debate, but also keeps shooting their mouth off, as you have done, it becomes a very tiresome exercise in adolescence. I'd say, end of conversation, but I'd rather go post a poll, instead...
You see, USF, there's really no need for decent people to go around accusing others of being gay. Its fun as an insult for a few minutes, but when someone has not only lost the debate, but also keeps shooting their mouth off, as you have done, it becomes a very tiresome exercise in adolescence. I'd say, end of conversation, but I'd rather go post a poll, instead...

I didn't mean to get you upset, 3D.
I found it amusing when you mentioned PMP and I was just funnin ya. :cof1:
What you believe doesn't matter. What you believe won't ever matter. Only facts matter. Only facts will ever matter.

You mean like the facts listed below.

At the time of my response, you hadn't revealed who it was that you had your man crush on.
I only referred to PMP, after you mentioned his name.

Getting laid is no problem. Its the getting fucked part that sucks...

Try talking him into foreplay first. :good4u:

How long have you been trying? :eek:

Since I have no idea who your boyfriend may be; this was a really pathetic attempt, on your part, to try and save your ass. :cof1:

You're the one offering me tips on how to seduce PMP. It reeks of experience. :cof1:


You mean like the facts listed below.

At the time of my response, you hadn't revealed who it was that you had your man crush on.
I only referred to PMP, after you mentioned his name.

I know you're an idiot, so I'll point you in the right direction. Be a good fag and go look at who the poster was that I was responding to with the first of those posts. Also, considering that it was the IRS that I was referencing when I talked about getting fucked (that one is way beyond your level of comprehension, so I'm providing it up-front), its not as if I was even talking about intimacy - those pussies are incapable of human feeling. There's probably some other things beyond you're level of comprehension that I'm overlooking, but this is a good start.
I know you're an idiot, so I'll point you in the right direction. Be a good fag and go look at who the poster was that I was responding to with the first of those posts. Also, considering that it was the IRS that I was referencing when I talked about getting fucked (that one is way beyond your level of comprehension, so I'm providing it up-front), its not as if I was even talking about intimacy - those pussies are incapable of human feeling. There's probably some other things beyond you're level of comprehension that I'm overlooking, but this is a good start.

You know what, you win.
The entire situation was meant as a joke and since you've participated in this banter before, I thought you would find it amusing.
My bad.

I'll make a note to make sure this doesn't occur again.
My apologies.