Your Favorite Loot This Year?

I have to admit, I'm jealous.

I want a really good bike, and I decided this year I am going to get myself one. I was actually going to talk to Superfreak around March to get some suggestions. I absolutely love biking, and I only have a Schwinn. :( I want to step it up this year. Does your wife go with you?

I bought myself golf clubs last month! And I am taking lessons from a golf pro at the country club here. I am very excited about this!

But I really want that great bike.
No, unfortunately my wife had a terrible accident about 4 years ago when we were out cyclings and she locked up her front brake on a panic stop and did a face plant on the road that knocked her out cold for two hours. I thought she had done killed her self. It was awfull. Fortunately she just had a mild concusion and road rash and was healed up about a week later but she's scared to death to ride again.

To give you suggestions on cycling I'd have to know what kind of cycling you enjoy (do like road cycling or do you live in an urban area and want a commuter bike or are you into hitting the trails? etc.).

What kind of Schwinn do you have? I own two Schwinn's both are older Paramounts that are close to 20 years old that I've maintained well and are still great bikes. Once I get the Raliegh built up I'll be selling the one I use as a commuter bike.

I've been a roadie since the 80's and I've been a USCF licensed racer in Category 3 and Masters racing. I've done a lot of miles on a lot of different kind of bikes so if I can be of help let me know.