Right. That is what I said. They used the nuclear option to stop the Republican filibusters. Republicans threatened to use the nuclear option to stop Democrats from blocking Bush nominees. They both attempted to end filibusters to confirm nominees.
See the Reid video in post #118 where he says the Senate is under no obligation to vote on a Supreme Court nominee-what you called "stealing" the seat. Again, you keep trying to give Democrats the moral high ground when both parties did the same thing. When a party wins people want them to use their political power to their advantage, but we don't want to admit it and try to make it a moral issue.
Called stealing? It was flat out theft because McConnell figured out he could get away with it. Nobody ever did anything like this. The seat sat empty for over a year. Then the Repubs suddely were desperate to fill the seat. It was Obamas seat to fill. He even offered a middle of the road jurist for the seat thinking the Repubs could be reasonable. But the Reopubss recognized the importance of the Supremes long before the Dems did. They have used all their influence and power to make a nasty far right court . Th s is just another nail in the coffin of democracy. The putocracy is growing like a weed.
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