Yurt be token

Why does anyone have to post with three accounts...and have all those backups... and so many gone;)...lol
Why does anyone have to post with three accounts...and have all those backups... and so many gone;)...lol

does it really matter? how does it affect you? try being more chill. you are in a chill zone with yurt and myself. be chill. talk burgers.
does it really matter? how does it affect you? try being more chill. you are in a chill zone with yurt and myself. be chill. talk burgers.
I love White Castles...helped paint Billy' I.'s house for a baseball team fundraiser years ago...Never go without them:) Don't have to;)

(Sure it matters..doesn't it?;) '
I love how everyone on JPP ignores me on everything except my opinions on fast food because they know with my stoner credentials I am legit and I know what's up. lol.
Mott, your wife asked me to take her to In N Out Burger.

And then something about sides....

Ha! I know better than that. I don't care how good In N Out Burgers are if my wife was in your neck of the woods that's not where she would go for a burger. There's only one place out there she would go for a burger.
My wife says the town down the road has a 5 Guys,I think you talked me into giving them a try.
Nothing more American then a really good burger

5 guys have excellent burgers.

We have a local pub here in Cbus that Top and Countryboy will tell you about called "Thurman's Cafe". It's famous for its burgers. It's been on TV a few times including "Man vs Food" and to this day I have not had a burger from one of the chains that's as good as a Thurman Burger.