Zelenskyy now says he will sign the deal...

I haven't chimed in on this... but need to. As someone that worked in Naval Intelligence in this very arena that meeting did not make me feel safer or want to cheer on how "tough" either of them was acting.

I was hopeful that something could be done to get it signed though. Having interests there gives the US incentive to help, add security, and to actually maintain a presence depending on how the "peace" looks afterward. Telling them they are "on their own" like that was not quite what I was expecting. Zelenskyy and Trump in a penis measuring contest... <smh>...

That being said, it looks like we may have a path back to the deal.
Zelensky was enjoying the massive wealth being dumped into his country by Europe and the US. Trump cut him off. Like a petulant teenager, Zelensky threw a brief tantrum before realizing he wasn't going to get his way and stomping off mad was just going to get his country stomped on by Russia.

Like it or not, the Russians have the capacity to grind Ukraine down to nothing without Ukraine receiving endless, massive military aid. That war could last decades with off and on low intensity fighting. That does no one, both the combatants, and those supporting them, any good.

In that respect, Trump was correct to just turn off the spigot. No, this solution isn't likely to be permanent nor is it likely to be the best outcome, but it's a damn sight better than letting this stalemate of a war carry on for years. If one side could defeat the other, I'd say Trump's solution is wrong, but that's not the case here.

With this outcome and an end to the current conflict there are several possibilities for Ukraine afterwards that aren't possible now. One is Ukraine rebuilds their economy giving them the funds to build an effective military, not a teetering stopgap one like they have now. That would put them in a position to fend off a future Russian invasion.

For the US in relation to Russia, this would be a chance to rebuild reasonably good relations. This would help the US immensely with respect to China. A friendly Russia that is aligned with the US and Europe is to the benefit of all three and a block to Chinese power. If Russia aligns with China, it hurts the world power balance, particularly with Europe being so weak currently. It also gives the US a chance to improve relations with India for the same purpose.

The Middle East is a sideshow to this.
You and the rest of the gutless right with trump's nutsack....

Did you create that meme?
I never thought about it in that way but you are definitely on to something here.
Exactly,.....its WHY Trump and his team worded it that way. See,...YOU and others GET IT,....its basic logic and problem solving. Don't expect the left to though,.....they are blinded by sheer partisanship and it clouds their thinking to the point that they cant see what's right in front of their nose.
It's a war-torn country. Who the FUCK cares if he's not wearing a suit w/ his tie in a perfect windsor?

For fuck's sake. There is such a disconnect.
IS HE war torn? Is he out in the field fighting? No,....in fact from what I hear he and his wife are living pretty high on the hog. Get real and grow up.
I don't recall any of you criticizing Musk visiting the WH dressed like a casual bum taking his kid to a ball game.

He wasn't there to beg for Americans' tax dollars.

I don't recall you criticizing Fetterman for turning up in the Senate dressed like a bum taking his kid to a ball game.
I didn't see any complaints when the Saudis visited the WH.

When Saudi leaders, such as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, visited Donald Trump at the White House, they typically did not wear Western-style suits. Instead, they wore traditional Saudi attire, including garments like the thobe (a long tunic) and ghutra (a headscarf), which are considered formal and culturally significant in Saudi Arabia. For example, during Mohammed bin Salman’s visit on March 20, 2018, photos and reports show him in traditional Saudi clothing while meeting Trump in the Oval Office. This aligns with cultural norms where such attire is equivalent to a suit in terms of formality.

"In the Oval Office, Brian Glenn, a commentator for conservative outlet Real America's Voice and boyfriend of GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, asked Zelensky: "Why don't you wear a suit? You're in the highest level of this country's office, and you refuse to wear a suit? I just want to see, do you own a suit?"

He added: "A lot of Americans have problems with you not respecting this office."

Zelensky responded: "I will wear costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours, yes, maybe something better, I don't know. We will see. Maybe something cheaper."


Listen up, retards.

Without post-1990 US intervention in Europe and the crazy expansion eastwards of NATO, Europe would have no substantial conflicts.