Zelenskyy now says he will sign the deal...

Are you completely fucking insane? "A friendly Russia that is aligned with the US and Europe"? You are so full of shit that I genuinely don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror. There is no such possibility as "a friendly Russia". This sequence of events is not difficult to understand for people who retained the ability to think. Trump wants to be Putin because his micro dick is perpetually semi hard for totalitarian power, unchecked authority, and Little Man Syndrome military parades. Putin compliments Trump because he knows that he will do and say whatever he wants in return. Trump is not a peace president. Trump is a Putin puppet. This is undeniable.
You have never looked at geopolitics and global strategy then. With the fall of the Soviet Union there was just one super-power left, the US. That is a extreme rarity in history. China rose to fill the vacuum. Now, you are seeing a US - China super-power rivalry alignment of the world. The secondary powers are Europe, Russia, India, and trans-Asian nations aligned against China. Who gets Russia as an ally / aligned power is going to make a serious difference. Europe is in decline as a world power. India is on the rise, along with nations in trans-Asia like Japan and Korea.

Keeping Russia from aligning with China is a significant reason to want to work to get that nation aligned with the West. China grasps that, the Left in the West doesn't. Biden fucked away any goodwill the US had built with Russia in favor of useless Ukraine. Trump is reversing that, as he should.

The 'eye on the ball' thing here is China. Ukraine is largely, if not entirely, irrelevant politically. The European powers are just whining about the situation there because they're weak and spineless.

The best move for the US is to end the Russia-Ukraine war on terms that leaves Ukraine able to rebuild their country, sans some bits given to Russia while Russia is more open to relations with the US and Europe. At the same time, the US needs to strengthen ties to Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Indonesia, and India, along with Vietnam. All things, Biden was pissing away--his failures at foreign policy are near legendary.

Your version is as asininely stupid as Biden's.
They have had at least two peace deals where Putin then took more land in two years. I deal with a security agreement is the only way forward if Ukraine does not want to be Russia. Then Bulgaria.
Listen up, retards; the US is not responsible for defending Ukraine.

Legally, the U.S. has no formal treaty requiring it to defend Ukraine militarily.

Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, so the collective defense clause (Article 5) doesn’t apply.

The 1994 Budapest Memorandum, where the U.S., UK, and Russia pledged to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear arsenal, is often cited. But it’s not a defense pact—it promises “assurances,” not guarantees, and lacks enforcement mechanisms.

When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, the U.S. responded with sanctions and aid, not troops, signaling that it doesn’t interpret the memorandum as a binding commitment to fight.

Politically, U.S. involvement stems from strategic interests, not responsibility.

Since 2014, the U.S. has provided over $69 billion in military aid to Ukraine, escalating to $65.9 billion since Russia’s 2022 invasion, according to the State Department.

Braindead Biden explicitly ruled out U.S. combat troops, suggesting a deliberate limit to involvement.

Guess what, retards?




The story of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, when Kyiv returned its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for ‘assurances’ from a Democrat.

Immediately after Ukraine signed its final agreement to renounce nuclear weapons in 1994, the country’s first president, Leonid Kravchuk, grimly remarked: “If tomorrow Russia goes into Crimea, no one will raise an eyebrow.”

Recently released archival documents demonstrate how Democrats, adamant about the country’s denuclearization, ignored the sentiments of Ukraine’s post-communist leaders, who were desperate to secure their new country.
Hey, retards, are you "for Ukraine"?

To combat Russia, Ukraine invites foreign fighters.

Here’s how to apply:

To start with, one should approach a Ukrainian embassy or consulate in their country. It can be done by phone, email or in person. The website provides a complete list of Ukrainian diplomatic missions around the world that recruits can approach.


The Ukrainian diplomatic mission will provide a potential recruit with the necessary information on the equipment they should have.

Next, a recruit will undergo an interview with a Ukrainian military attaché and receive a special visa.

The service with the International Legion is fully official and legal.

With all visa arrangements completed, a recruit also needs to submit an application for voluntary contracted service with Ukrainian armed forces, following instructions from the Ukrainian defense attaché.

If necessary, embassy and consular service members will render assistance in terms of transportation.


Hop to it! Hup! Hup! Slava Ukrainia!
Hey, retards, remember when the Party of the Jackass was anti-war?


The party that once celebrated Daniel Ellsberg can’t tolerate Tulsi Gabbard.

Democrats once prided themselves on defending opponents of war and dissenters from the perceived patriotic consensus in the country.

They were the party of peaceniks, nuclear freezers, draft dodgers, and conscientious objectors.

During the days of the Cold War, they would often condemn Republicans for supposedly overstating the threat of Soviet expansionism and gave no support to underdogs, such as the Contras in Nicaragua, who fought against it.

How times have changed.

Democrats once prided themselves on defending opponents of war and dissenters from the perceived patriotic consensus in the country.

They were the party of peaceniks, nuclear freezers, draft dodgers, and conscientious objectors.

How times have changed.

I recall when Democrats transitioned from condemning McCarthyism to indulging their own version of it, casting Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat congresswoman from Hawaii, as a traitor for daring to deviate from the party’s line on Ukraine.

In 2019, the hated Hildebeast insinuated that totally tasty Tulsi Gabbard is an operative for the Russians.

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democrat primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” the haglike Hildebeast hissed about gloriously gifted gorgeous goddess Gabbard. “She’s the favorite of the Russians.”

How times have changed.

If the Democrats owe an apology to Joseph McCarthy (they do), they owe an even bigger one to Ronald Reagan.

They called him a wild-eyed warmonger for sizing up Russian aggression correctly.

They portrayed him, not his Soviet counterparts (which included a young Vladimir Putin), as the provocateur in the Cold War.

Teddy the Kopechne-killer Kennedy, among others, called for irenic overtures to the Soviets and scoffed at Reagan’s peace-through-strength policies.

Members of the party that once celebrated the anti-war hacktivist Daniel Ellsberg for leaking government documents (in the hopes of stopping the Vietnam War) now view non-interventionists like Gabbard as security threats for simply mouthing opinions that they dislike.

Bumptious braindead Biden dismissed rational realist Reagan’s push for the creation of a nuclear shield against the Soviets as “one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.”

Bungling braindead Biden was an early supporter of Peanuts Carter (rest in piss) and favored his détente-driven foreign policy.

Buffoonish braindead Biden saw regal Reagan's increased military spending as unnecessary and led opposition to his funding of the Contras.

How times have changed.

Listening to dishonest Democrats today inveigh against the reconstruction of the “Soviet empire,” one might wonder: Where was that bellicose passion during the Cold War?

Members of the pusillanimous party that once celebrated the anti-war activist Daniel Ellsberg for leaking government documents (in the hopes of stopping the Vietnam War) now view non-interventionists like Gabbard as security threats for simply mouthing opinions that they dislike.

How times have changed.

That's ridiculous. His country is being torn apart.

To say "we really need to see you in a suit & looking sharp to negotiate" is childish.
So then he dresses modern version military style " fatigues" full time like this guy for what reason?

That's ridiculous. His country is being torn apart.

To say "we really need to see you in a suit & looking sharp to negotiate" is childish.
How can his country be being torn apart? He told Trump in the meeting where Z threw the on camera fit that his cities are just fine.

Zelenskyy now says he will sign the deal...​

Zelenskyy has always been willing to sign a deal. He is not willing to sign a surrender.

Put simply, trump wants Zelenskyy to "pay" trump for past military aid by handing over mineral rights, and then surrender to Putin. trump offers no further military aid. Zelenskyy is will to "pay" trump for future military aid. There is no point in him paying for past military aid, if there is no future military aid. The one core thing Zelenskyy wants is the future military aid. Any deal that does not have it, he will not make.

trump thought he could trick Zelenskyy by suddenly putting him on the world stage, and forcing him to politely accept surrender. That is not going to happen. The war has been going on for three years now. Zelenskyy is not Benes.

If trump comes up with future military aid, and delivers, he will absolutely get the mineral rights.
So, President Trump was right and wins again.

Zelenskyy has no cards.
Nobody makes a deal if they have no cards. Zelenskyy can lose for free. He does not need to pay trump to lose. I do not know how to make things simpler for you.

What trump needs to do is offer Zelenskyy cards so he sees some benefit in making a deal.
" And furthermore Z,....you fuck this up again and I guarantee you your little ass will be out of power in a month because I can make it happen,.... and YOU KNOW I can make it happen !"
So Zelenskyy either surrenders to Putin and is executed, or trump will try to remove him from power?

Threats only work if you threaten someone with something worse.
If the U.S has rare Earth mining facilities inside Ukraine that we are operating Russia would never have the balls to attack those areas
Unless trump sells out the area to Putin with a promise that he gets all the mineral rights. Anyone remember how quickly trump sold out the Kurds?