T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
You have never looked at geopolitics and global strategy then. With the fall of the Soviet Union there was just one super-power left, the US. That is a extreme rarity in history. China rose to fill the vacuum. Now, you are seeing a US - China super-power rivalry alignment of the world. The secondary powers are Europe, Russia, India, and trans-Asian nations aligned against China. Who gets Russia as an ally / aligned power is going to make a serious difference. Europe is in decline as a world power. India is on the rise, along with nations in trans-Asia like Japan and Korea.Are you completely fucking insane? "A friendly Russia that is aligned with the US and Europe"? You are so full of shit that I genuinely don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror. There is no such possibility as "a friendly Russia". This sequence of events is not difficult to understand for people who retained the ability to think. Trump wants to be Putin because his micro dick is perpetually semi hard for totalitarian power, unchecked authority, and Little Man Syndrome military parades. Putin compliments Trump because he knows that he will do and say whatever he wants in return. Trump is not a peace president. Trump is a Putin puppet. This is undeniable.
Keeping Russia from aligning with China is a significant reason to want to work to get that nation aligned with the West. China grasps that, the Left in the West doesn't. Biden fucked away any goodwill the US had built with Russia in favor of useless Ukraine. Trump is reversing that, as he should.
The 'eye on the ball' thing here is China. Ukraine is largely, if not entirely, irrelevant politically. The European powers are just whining about the situation there because they're weak and spineless.
The best move for the US is to end the Russia-Ukraine war on terms that leaves Ukraine able to rebuild their country, sans some bits given to Russia while Russia is more open to relations with the US and Europe. At the same time, the US needs to strengthen ties to Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Indonesia, and India, along with Vietnam. All things, Biden was pissing away--his failures at foreign policy are near legendary.
Your version is as asininely stupid as Biden's.