Zelenskyy now says he will sign the deal...

What woke sheeplings like @christiefan915 never learned in school:

After the US had saved Britain from near-certain defeat by Germany in World War One, the British Ambassador to Washington DC, Auckland Geddes, paid a call on the US Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes, expecting a friendly conversation.

Instead, he was met with a yelling tirade.

Hughes raged and shouted at Geddes that America had just saved Britain’s bacon, and we had better be grateful from now on.

In a voice rising to a scream, Mr Hughes (a normally staid, liberal-minded type), yelled at His Majesty’s envoy: ‘You would not be here to speak for Britain – you would not be speaking anywhere, England would not be able to speak at all. It is the German Kaiser who would be heard if America – seeking nothing for herself but to save England – had not plunged into the war and won it.’

Around this time, Mr Hughes’s boss, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, was telling aides of his plans to build a huge new US Navy bigger than Britain’s then was. And if we would not limit the size of our fleet, ‘there will come another more terrible and bloody war and England would be wiped off the face of the map’.

n fact, within a few short years, after negotiations during which fist-fights almost broke out between British and American admirals, we were indeed forced by US blackmail into limiting the size of the Royal Navy, spelling the end of our days as a world power.

To the Americans, Britain was about as important as Serbia, and they didn’t hide it. Wilson, very unlike Donald Trump, was a generally mild-mannered college professor, not a foul-mouthed rabble rouser. But the message is the same. The US, since it realised its almost boundless power, can do what it likes.

As I’ve pointed out before, during the 1956 Suez Crisis, the chief of the US Navy, Admiral Arleigh Burke, seriously discussed opening fire on British warships, in a conversation with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

And when, for cheap electoral reasons, Democrat Bill Clinton decided in 1993 to support and befriend Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams, the British Embassy in Washington was brutally cut out of the loop of knowledge.

Our then Premier, John Major, felt so humiliated that relations between him and President Clinton (never good) almost entirely broke down. There is no ‘special relationship’, and the US has no permanent friends.

What happened to Zelensky was this. Donald Trump comes from an older tradition of American foreign policy, called ‘America First’. This was an actual movement, begun by students and then sweeping the country, which in 1939 and 1940 campaigned hard against the US aiding Britain against Hitler.

This wasn’t, as some now believe, a pro-Nazi outfit. Many of its early members were liberals, even socialists. It was just an expression of a very old American desire to stay out of foreign quarrels, first proclaimed by George Washington himself at the foundation of the nation.

With Donald Trump in the White House, this policy has come back with a bang. It has pushed aside the neo-conservative idealists, who sought to impose what they saw as democracy on the whole world. And it has ended a matching policy of trying to keep Russia from rising again, at any cost.

Quite why British and European leaders were so keen on the neo-cons and their wild, invariably disastrous adventures, I have no idea. I suspect they just wanted to suck up to America whatever it did, and now look foolish because Washington is under new management, and they will – in the end – have to be just as servile to the opposite policy.

If they had only kept their cool, and continued to express doubts about expanding Nato up to the gates of Moscow (always likely to cause trouble) they might be in a better position now.

And Ukraine would still be at peace with its ill-tempered neighbour, its cities unravaged and its young men alive, rather than mouldering in war graves.

Lefties then vs lefties now:

He was going to sign it prior to Trump & Vance acting like children. I think the danger here is how I'm sure some on the right will try to characterize it as that kind of display being effective, and 'working.' It just delayed things. Trump & Vance are amateur diplomats.

You don't "think", you emote. Have you considered HRT?
Listen up, retards; history has no wrong or right sides. Only Marxists, who use 'history' as a substitute for God and assume it agrees with them, use this lame BS.
Listen up, retards; the nations of Europe already spend three times as much on their militaries as Russia does ($457 billion in 2024, as opposed to $145.9 billion) . The Russian threat is wildly exaggerated.
Listen up, retards; this is not 1939, Ukraine is not Poland, Russia is not Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Argument by smear is the weapon of those whose position is weak.
Listen up, retards; the US 'helped the UK out' in WW1 because it had lent them so much money that it was afraid of not getting it back if they lost (they defaulted anyway) . In WW2, the US & USSR got dragged into a war that Britain and France started, and turned it to their own ends.
Listen up, retards; the Ukrainian putsch led directly to Putin's invasion, via Ukraine’s bloody repressions in the Donbass.
Listen u, retards; are you familiar with the manner of Yanukovych’s removal? Do you even know who he was, or why I brought him up in this thread? If not, maybe you should try to find out.

I haven't chimed in on this... but need to. As someone that worked in Naval Intelligence in this very arena that meeting did not make me feel safer or want to cheer on how "tough" either of them was acting.

I was hopeful that something could be done to get it signed though. Having interests there gives the US incentive to help, add security, and to actually maintain a presence depending on how the "peace" looks afterward. Telling them they are "on their own" like that was not quite what I was expecting. Zelenskyy and Trump in a penis measuring contest... <smh>...

That being said, it looks like we may have a path back to the deal.
I hope a deal can be signed, but the sticking point was not the minerals deal, it was security. Two or three times, depending on perspective, Ukraine has signed "deals" that Putin within two years, broke and came for more land.

A cease fire without some security is a poor choice for Ukraine, we know that because it will not last. If The Felon cant see his way to provide that security agreement, then maybe Europe will, and the deal can be signed without the U.S. offering the needed security.

How many deals, without security, were given Hitler when he continued to invade its neighbors and build a huge military.

Now, I am not saying Putin is the same as Hitler. I am saying that the strategy has been very similar. Obama made the mistake Trump is trying to make, and Zelenskyy is trying to avoid again... A deal that leads to another land grab in a few years.

The mess in the White House could/should have been avoided. I hope a deal is in the works.
Zelensky was enjoying the massive wealth being dumped into his country by Europe and the US. Trump cut him off. Like a petulant teenager, Zelensky threw a brief tantrum before realizing he wasn't going to get his way and stomping off mad was just going to get his country stomped on by Russia.

Like it or not, the Russians have the capacity to grind Ukraine down to nothing without Ukraine receiving endless, massive military aid. That war could last decades with off and on low intensity fighting. That does no one, both the combatants, and those supporting them, any good.

In that respect, Trump was correct to just turn off the spigot. No, this solution isn't likely to be permanent nor is it likely to be the best outcome, but it's a damn sight better than letting this stalemate of a war carry on for years. If one side could defeat the other, I'd say Trump's solution is wrong, but that's not the case here.

With this outcome and an end to the current conflict there are several possibilities for Ukraine afterwards that aren't possible now. One is Ukraine rebuilds their economy giving them the funds to build an effective military, not a teetering stopgap one like they have now. That would put them in a position to fend off a future Russian invasion.

For the US in relation to Russia, this would be a chance to rebuild reasonably good relations. This would help the US immensely with respect to China. A friendly Russia that is aligned with the US and Europe is to the benefit of all three and a block to Chinese power. If Russia aligns with China, it hurts the world power balance, particularly with Europe being so weak currently. It also gives the US a chance to improve relations with India for the same purpose.

The Middle East is a sideshow to this.
Are you completely fucking insane? "A friendly Russia that is aligned with the US and Europe"? You are so full of shit that I genuinely don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror. There is no such possibility as "a friendly Russia". This sequence of events is not difficult to understand for people who retained the ability to think. Trump wants to be Putin because his micro dick is perpetually semi hard for totalitarian power, unchecked authority, and Little Man Syndrome military parades. Putin compliments Trump because he knows that he will do and say whatever he wants in return. Trump is not a peace president. Trump is a Putin puppet. This is undeniable.
It's a war-torn country. Who the FUCK cares if he's not wearing a suit w/ his tie in a perfect windsor?

For fuck's sake. There is such a disconnect.
It's not a disconnect. It's the talking point from state media that the mouth frothing cult keeps repeating without taking a breath.

Zelenskky in the Oval Office:


Musk in the Oval Office:


At least Zelenskky had a fucking collar. The MAGAts are so full of hypocritical shit that it's coming out of their ears.
Truth is,.......getting a peace deal is good for all sides involved. Its what we all should want,...an end to the war and the dying. But it has to be done using the old Reagan method,......Trust BUT verify. As an aside,.......If the U.S has rare Earth mining facilities inside Ukraine that we are operating Russia would never have the balls to attack those areas,...no way no how. Its actually a BRILLIANT way of providing security for Ukraine without actually providing security for Ukraine. This IS THE KEY actually.
They have had at least two peace deals where Putin then took more land in two years. I deal with a security agreement is the only way forward if Ukraine does not want to be Russia. Then Bulgaria.
Do you like mourning the fact that this most likely is going to turn into a peace deal and an end to war.
I want lasting peace, and I am hopeful. Russia should not benefit for its aggression. No Appeasement of Putin.
A peace deal will be reached sooner rather than later.
Three step process.

1....Minerals deal signed.

2...cease fire signed and enacted

3....Peace deal signed that benefits all parties involved.

Prediction.......the left will RAGE. You know how I know that? They ALWAYS do,..track record is everything. These are sick minded people who despise good news that happens when Trump is in power and absolute LOVE bad news when he is in the Whitehouse. They put PARTY over the good of the country and the world. Truly sick.
If that happens without a security agreement, there will be a 4.

4... Putin invades Ukraine again in 3 years.