Zero Republican Professors in More Than Half of Surveyed University Departments

Yes and liberal professors will promote in the classroom

The Failed Universities are HQ for the Revolution, so of course.

Schools and universities are no longer for education, their purpose is WOKE Religion indoctrination .....those who go to Universities now get their minds molded....they are made ready for UTOPIA, where we are getting hauled too without our consent....which is abuse.
No, it was made crystal clear that they were not wanted, and they refused to fight to stay.

I've served on many college faculty search committees, and not once did the person's political party affiliation become an issue or was even known. The issue is that liberals are more likely to enter college teaching but it is very true Democrats outnumber Republicans by a big margin. When the survey uses liberal-moderate-conservative most of the professors are moderate.

The survey was biased in that most of the respondents were in the humanities which is the most liberal area. Math, engineering, sciences, and business contain more conservatives than other disciplines.

The "indoctrination" is based on some erroneous concept that professors are teaching their political views to the students. I don't know the difference between Democratic and Republican math, chemistry, physics, biology.....Even in political science classes we seldom talked about politics as a partisan issue.

Students are more likely to be influenced by their peers but only a small percentage become political activists. There are always some professors who like to preach, but they are not well respected by their colleagues. A conservative professor who does good research is well respected. It has been known since the 1800s that education has a liberalizing effect--more tolerant, more willing to give others their constitutional and civil rights......
Read the OP link the evidence is there

The OP is from a far right publication. The right greatly exaggerates the influence of unions in education, especially at the college level and in many states where unions are very weak because they cannot strike or collectively bargain. As soon as the courts ruled they could not require union membership or paying union dues the unions lost a lot of their members. Unions are generally seen as useless meetings in most schools and they have little political influence over what is taught. Teachers are usually free do teach whatever they want. The worst problem is not that they are being taught political views but they are not taught anything at all. Didn't you love "free periods" in elementary and secondary school?