The remora of JPP
Dumb people like you swallow the indoctrination whole and think you are being educated...
What indoctrination?
Dumb people like you swallow the indoctrination whole and think you are being educated...
More proof of the indoctrination of our children by the evil democrats
Dumb people like you swallow the indoctrination whole and think you are being educated...
The OP is from a far right publication. The right greatly exaggerates the influence of unions in education, especially at the college level and in many states where unions are very weak because they cannot strike or collectively bargain. As soon as the courts ruled they could not require union membership or paying union dues the unions lost a lot of their members. Unions are generally seen as useless meetings in most schools and they have little political influence over what is taught. Teachers are usually free do teach whatever they want. The worst problem is not that they are being taught political views but they are not taught anything at all. Didn't you love "free periods" in elementary and secondary school?
Are you really so fucking stupid that you want to force RWers to become college teachers??? Are you suggesting they be drafted?More proof of the indoctrination of our children by the evil democrats
How many republicans are actually intellectually qualified to be educators?
That's to only question their intelligence, but their sanity needs to be assessed as well.
I paid private school tuitions for two kids, bit I certainly wouldn't have sent them to schools with fucking morons on the faculty.
Of course their professors were Democrats. They were academically qualified educators.
Youn mean how many would go there to be abused if they actually told their views. Conservative kids often tyell how if they tell their views they are condemned by the liberal professors
Are you really so fucking stupid that you want to force RWers to become college teachers??? Are you suggesting they be drafted?
How long would moronic nazis like you want to force RW Americans to work at a university for low pay?
$20 says you don't cook your own meals. Amirite?
Bullshit. Common sense applies, Pffft. How else to get more RWers as college teachers except to force them to work there for the same shitty pay?As always you take everything out of context to spew the democrats false labeling of all conservatives. The OP is something to be observed and shows what the unions and liberals have done to schools
Bullshit. Common sense applies, Pffft. How else to get more RWers as college teachers except to force them to work there for the same shitty pay?
You're a fucking authoritarian, ain'tcha? You want to force Americans to do your bidding or else, don'tcha, mein herr?
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, douchebag. Better if they are dead with their own dicks in their mouths, asshole.
No doubt you love Nazis, Pffft. You've proved it with this thread.That is your biased view not mine
No doubt you love Nazis, Pffft. You've proved it with this thread.
Nazis are something you know nothing about and you can't show where they are
Youn mean how many would go there to be abused if they actually told their views. Conservative kids often tyell how if they tell their views they are condemned by the liberal professors
Dumb people like you think all education is indoctrination.
More proof of the indoctrination of our children by the evil democrats