Agreed. I clearly said Democrats far outnumber Republicans among college professors, especially in the social sciences and humanities. I don't have a party, but if you are erroneously assuming I am a Democrat you are wrong. However, I don't see how it makes Democrats look bad. If I were partisan I would claim it proves smarter more educated people are Democrats. But, that would be as oversimplified a conclusion as those who claim colleges don't hire conservatives.
The truth and facts are clearly that a faculty member's party affiliation is an unknown factor in the hiring process. At highly ranked universities the applicants research and publications determine his qualifications. Graduate departments are ranked by their publications in the top ranked journals. Neither party affiliation or (unfortunately) teaching ability are factors.
This topic is covered well in a book called "Passing on the Right." It is research conducted in political science departments dealing with the issue of conservatives in academia. One chapter compares conservatives to gay faculty members. They don't publicize they are gay or conservative early in their career, but after a few years they don't mind telling faculty colleagues they trust who don[t really care. A professor with highly respected publications is just as respected regardless of political ideology.
Of course, nobody respects those crazy conspiracy theory people who were birthers, election deniers, January 6 defenders, 9/11 truthers, but not many college professors are going to fall for lies that have no evidence to support them.