Zimmerman arrested


George Zimmerman was arrested on domestic violence charges in Seminole County, Fla. Monday, local media report.

The Sherriff’s Office confirmed to WFTV that the former neighborhood, 30, watch was involved in a disturbance at a home on Topfield Court in an unincorporated of Apopka.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...lorida-report-article-1.1520840#ixzz2l1bwo2NN

Somebody, please, say that they are surprised. Karma, baby, karma....and some folks had the audacity to be Team Zimmerman. This will continue to happen for the rest of his life. He's a fuck up. That will never change.
Im sure he was wrongfully arrested again by some more liberal cops.

Cops these days are just like the media, liberal bias.

BS. He wasn't arrested, originally, due to presumed "white privilege", for 45 days, in the Martin case. Liberal cops? Where? When? How? What? Who?
Funny, every time Rodney King got arrested after the famous case, liberals said it had no bearing on his guilt or actions in the original case.

Now, subsequent arrests seem to bear heavily on original cases.

Liberals; their life blood is hypocrisy.
Clearly, in the first case, the video showed him being brutalized by the LAPD. He, like Zimmerman, however, is responsible for doing the wrong thing, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And find one conservative who is guilty of ever telling the truth.
Clearly, in the first case, the video showed him being brutalized by the LAPD. He, like Zimmerman, however, is responsible for doing the wrong thing, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And find one conservative who is guilty of ever telling the truth.

Did "motorist" (that's how the media described him) Rodney King do anything to bring about said lashing? Or was he an innocent victim of police brutality?
Sources inside the Polk correctional facility quote Zimmerman as saying "she came home with Skittles, and Arizona Iced Tea. I felt threatened, and felt the need to stand my ground.
Sources inside the Polk correctional facility quote Zimmerman as saying "she came home with Skittles, and Arizona Iced Tea. I felt threatened, and felt the need to stand my ground.

How very racist of you. Not funny. Not funny, at all.
Funny, every time Rodney King got arrested after the famous case, liberals said it had no bearing on his guilt or actions in the original case.

Now, subsequent arrests seem to bear heavily on original cases.

Liberals; their life blood is hypocrisy.

I don't see any question about King's guilt or actions on that video tape... He simply did not deserve to be beaten like that, especially by representatives of the government.
I dont
see any question about King's guilt or actions on that video tape... He simply did not deserve to be beaten like that, especially by representatives of the government.

That's probably because you didn't see a video of the chase, and all of the innocent people he put at risk in the process. You just saw the end of the incident.

Subsequent arrests would indicate he wasn't the innocent victim he was portrayed as.

But libs would hear none of it, so I will hear none of it.
Who is the klams man ?

The Dudes' imaginary investment advisor?

Or maybe he was the imaginary commencement speaker at the Dudes' imaginary graduation...


The Orlando Sentinel is also reporting this.

so is Huff Post, but it looks like their source is the OC.

Just in case you truly stupid liberals didn't read the disclaimer ....

This fav-unfav question, incidentally, is an apples-to-apples question. Earlier in the poll, respondents were asked to rate their approval or disapproval of the president's job performance. The overall numbers: 46-47%. (Dem: 84-12%. GOP: 14-82%. Ind: 25-60%).

Which has nothing to do with rating Zimmerman to Obama ....
That's probably because you didn't see a video of the chase, and all of the innocent people he put at risk in the process. You just saw the end of the incident.

Subsequent arrests would indicate he wasn't the innocent victim he was portrayed as.

But libs would hear none of it, so I will hear none of it.
So he deserved to be beaten because he put some people "at risk"?

Newsflash for ya...life IS risk.

Walk out your front door tomorrow and you could drop dead.
The liberals are consumed with rage and lust for vengeance because Zimmerman escaped them, so they are determined to see him dead or in jail for something...anything.

George Zimmerman was arrested on domestic violence charges in Seminole County, Fla. Monday, local media report.

The Sherriff’s Office confirmed to WFTV that the former neighborhood, 30, watch was involved in a disturbance at a home on Topfield Court in an unincorporated of Apopka.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...lorida-report-article-1.1520840#ixzz2l1bwo2NN

You left off one vital bit of information.
It was for "suspicion" of domestic violence.
Why did you just lie, desh.