Zimmerman arrested


George Zimmerman was arrested on domestic violence charges in Seminole County, Fla. Monday, local media report.

The Sherriff’s Office confirmed to WFTV that the former neighborhood, 30, watch was involved in a disturbance at a home on Topfield Court in an unincorporated of Apopka.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...lorida-report-article-1.1520840#ixzz2l1bwo2NN

Lol, who didn't see this coming? The man's a sicko. I won't be a bit surprised if he kills another person, possibly in a jealous rage.
Zimmermann can't seem to stop randomly attacking people. I bet if he hadn't been armed the girlfriend would have beat him down and curb stomped him.
Here's a much more complete version of the events leading up to Zimmerman's latest arrest. It looks like unless his father has some pull with this judge that George might be incarcerated for some time. Sadly his latest girlfriend accompanied him to his wife's house where he assaulted and intimidated her and her father but she somehow failed to understand that the same or similar treatment awaited her. Certainly doesn't show very good judgement on her part!

Here's a much more complete version of the events leading up to Zimmerman's latest arrest. It looks like unless his father has some pull with this judge that George might be incarcerated for some time. Sadly his latest girlfriend accompanied him to his wife's house where he assaulted and intimidated her and her father but she somehow failed to understand that the same or similar treatment awaited her. Certainly doesn't show very good judgement on her part!


What a big fat liar he is, trying to cover his arse.

"Scheibe was pregnant, Zimmerman told the dispatcher, and had decided to raise the child on her own. He wanted the parting to be peaceful, he said, and began packing, including a bag in which he had placed guns, but Scheibe then went out of control, he told a dispatcher.

"She just started smashing stuff, taking stuff that belonged to me," he said.

While he was still giving his version of events to a dispatcher, deputies unlocked the door, forced aside furniture that he had used to barricade himself inside and took him into custody, Lemma said.

Lemma said Scheibe is not pregnant."
if you get a chance listen to him talk to the 911 operator.

You will hear how he can straight faced lie and sound reasonable .

The mans a sociopath