Zimmerman arrested


George Zimmerman was arrested on domestic violence charges in Seminole County, Fla. Monday, local media report.

The Sherriff’s Office confirmed to WFTV that the former neighborhood, 30, watch was involved in a disturbance at a home on Topfield Court in an unincorporated of Apopka.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...lorida-report-article-1.1520840#ixzz2l1bwo2NN
Looks like ol' Zimm's been reading too many OJ Simpson news clips. He's learning from the best! ;)
What a big fat liar he is, trying to cover his arse.

"Scheibe was pregnant, Zimmerman told the dispatcher, and had decided to raise the child on her own. He wanted the parting to be peaceful, he said, and began packing, including a bag in which he had placed guns, but Scheibe then went out of control, he told a dispatcher.

"She just started smashing stuff, taking stuff that belonged to me," he said.

While he was still giving his version of events to a dispatcher, deputies unlocked the door, forced aside furniture that he had used to barricade himself inside and took him into custody, Lemma said.

Lemma said Scheibe is not pregnant."

The really strange thing about Zimmerman saying Scheibe was pregnant is that if she is/were pregnant the assault is automatically a felony under Florida law instead of a misdemeanor!

Here is Scheibe's 911 call as posted at USA Today:

What a shock there is still at least one ignorant if ardent supporter of the racist, misogynist woman abuser and killer!

I just want to know why Desh lied and tried to make it look cut and dried.
Are you related to Desh and therefore find it necessary to defend her bouts with lunacy?
Judge Frederic Schott set Zimmerman's bond at $9,000 and ordered that Zimmerman stay away from Scheibe's house, wear a monitoring device and refrain from contact with her. The judge says he can't possess guns or ammunition or travel outside of Florida.
so you think you never make a mistake and when you do you should try to cover it up?

I could have erased that post and instead left it and admitted It was the wrong Zimmerman.

We all know what you would have done

That post is a microcosm of your true nature. You just run off and google shit randomly trying to prove some point and don't even bother to read it first.

What were your search terms ZIMMERMAN and GOP and DONATIONS?

Everyone can make a mistake. Yours was born of idiocy and your partisan hackery

This is a non story. Only two reasons you bring it up.

1) You are still bitter about his acquittal
2) You want to distract from Obamas piss poor month
I'm sorry. It's not my responsibility to explain it to you, as I now consider you a waste of time. Seek help elsewhere.
Well, it's clear that you missed the sarcasm. Perhaps you should read the post again?

Or have you forgotten that the Right Wing gun nuts jumped on the Skittles/Tea bandwagon, and convicted Trayvon of making 'purple'?....an offense, punishable by death.
That post is a microcosm of your true nature. You just run off and google shit randomly trying to prove some point and don't even bother to read it first.

What were your search terms ZIMMERMAN and GOP and DONATIONS?

Everyone can make a mistake. Yours was born of idiocy and your partisan hackery

This is a non story. Only two reasons you bring it up.

1) You are still bitter about his acquittal
2) You want to distract from Obamas piss poor month

see how these sociopaths react to being honest about making a mistake.

I corrected my mistake nearly immediately and left it in full view instead of trying to hide that I had made an error.

this fucking dishonest hacks response to that honesty was to attack me personally for it.

when was the last time anyone saw this poster admit he was wrong?

hes a fucking sociopath