Zimmerman signing autographs at a gun show

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
You would think he would stay off the radar but here is my theory:

1) Some white supremacist group is supporting him or is on "standby."

2) He is doing this to upkeep his significance

3) He is looking to make money due to legal fees

The argument that GZ suffers from PTSD is moot because normally people on PTSD are rather reclusive and even with cognitive therapy, folks with PTSD have some behavioural difficulties in public. The fact that he agreed to sign autographs demonstrates that he is not remorseful and that he is being celebrated to the joys of white supremacists everywhere cause he killed an unarmed "thug" who bested him in a 1 on 1 street fight.
A Navy SEAL is a hero, a fireman is a hero, a marine is a hero, but Zimmerman is someone who suffers from PTSD yet finds the time to sign autographs

zimmerman defended the public from a violent criminal assaulter. the world is better off without trayvon. and it is all because of zimmerman.
You would think he would stay off the radar but here is my theory:

1) Some white supremacist group is supporting him or is on "standby."

2) He is doing this to upkeep his significance

3) He is looking to make money due to legal fees

The argument that GZ suffers from PTSD is moot because normally people on PTSD are rather reclusive and even with cognitive therapy, folks with PTSD have some behavioural difficulties in public. The fact that he agreed to sign autographs demonstrates that he is not remorseful and that he is being celebrated to the joys of white supremacists everywhere cause he killed an unarmed "thug" who bested him in a 1 on 1 street fight.

More proof that you harbor racism against Hispanics. :palm:
A Navy SEAL is a hero, a fireman is a hero, a marine is a hero, but Zimmerman is someone who suffers from PTSD yet finds the time to sign autographs

Your "opinion" of how people with PTSD act, is in error.
I know a bunch of vets who have PTSD and they are anything but "reclusive".
zimmerman defended the public from a violent criminal assaulter. the world is better off without trayvon. and it is all because of zimmerman.

I hope you're being sarcastic, otherwise that is one of the most asinine things ever said on the subject.
I hope you're being sarcastic, otherwise that is one of the most asinine things ever said on the subject.

trayvon is worm food now and he rightfully deserves to be in the ground, for being the only one that broke the law that night. If not for his horrendous actions, he would still be alive.
I think it's his way of dealing with the trauma of being attacked by a real scumbag.

Yes as if street fights don't happen everyday. If you get PTSD from having someone try and smash your head me and everyone else who has ever been in a street fight would have it. The people who support Zimmerman and are encouraging this behavior are not too bright. Zimmerman went on T.V and claimed to have post-traumatic stress. Real people who suffer from PTSD have issues with being in public due to the possibility of flashbacks, or have high anxiety. Zimmerman is experiencing none of these by his public exhibition of a "care free" attitude.

Most sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder are in behavioural therapy, or are in a combination of that and taking meds. I can almost gurantee that any clinical psychologist would encourage him to not be in public because of the possibility of society reminding him of his actions. What Zimmerman claimed and to what he is doing now is nothing short of his insincerity about his condition.
trayvon is worm food now and he rightfully deserves to be in the ground, for being the only one that broke the law that night. If not for his horrendous actions, he would still be alive.

Yes he broke the law by besting someone in unarmed combat. Remember he only have tea and skittles, Zimmerman had a hand gun. Trayvon wasn't concerned about Zimmerman in the beginning
Your "opinion" of how people with PTSD act, is in error.
I know a bunch of vets who have PTSD and they are anything but "reclusive".

I'm telling you a symptom that is a common byproduct of PTSD. You knowing "a bunch of vets" is irrelevant. It's in research, in various studies.
Let me correct myself. If you've served in a unit that was in combat that came under fire and you and/or your unit did things to save each other's lives this is heroic

I'm still failing to see where I did anything heroic. Getting shot at does not make someone a hero automatically.
Yes as if street fights don't happen everyday. If you get PTSD from having someone try and smash your head me and everyone else who has ever been in a street fight would have it.
No but he CAN have it from having to kill a child in self defense, where he will constantly question his decisions that night for the rest of his, in addition to facing trial for it.
The people who support Zimmerman and are encouraging this behavior are not too bright. Zimmerman went on T.V and claimed to have post-traumatic stress. Real people who suffer from PTSD have issues with being in public due to the possibility of flashbacks, or have high anxiety.
Some do, yes. PTSD isn't something with that only goes through such and such symptoms or behaviors. It affects people and their actions differently.
Zimmerman is experiencing none of these by his public exhibition of a "care free" attitude.
He's trying to change peoples opinions about him, possibly as a way to help vindicate his actions in his own mind.

Most sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder are in behavioural therapy, or are in a combination of that and taking meds.
No, we're not. A lot of us don't even like talking to people about it.
I'm still failing to see where I did anything heroic. Getting shot at does not make someone a hero automatically.

Clearl you don't understand. Often times servicemen and women who faced combat usually don't take credit for heroic deeds because those deeds are merely training that kicked in during combat. Those us on the outside nowadays have a tendency to redefine the word "hero" and it's all because of 9/11 so excuse me if this mere civilian has define what are considered heroic deeds
Clearl you don't understand. Often times servicemen and women who faced combat usually don't take credit for heroic deeds because those deeds are merely training that kicked in during combat. Those us on the outside nowadays have a tendency to redefine the word "hero" and it's all because of 9/11 so excuse me if this mere civilian has define what are considered heroic deeds

I just don't see it as inherent. But whatever, I'm getting upset over nothing.