Zimmerman signing autographs at a gun show

Yes as if street fights don't happen everyday. If you get PTSD from having someone try and smash your head me and everyone else who has ever been in a street fight would have it. The people who support Zimmerman and are encouraging this behavior are not too bright. Zimmerman went on T.V and claimed to have post-traumatic stress. Real people who suffer from PTSD have issues with being in public due to the possibility of flashbacks, or have high anxiety. Zimmerman is experiencing none of these by his public exhibition of a "care free" attitude.

Most sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder are in behavioural therapy, or are in a combination of that and taking meds. I can almost gurantee that any clinical psychologist would encourage him to not be in public because of the possibility of society reminding him of his actions. What Zimmerman claimed and to what he is doing now is nothing short of his insincerity about his condition.

And just think.
You gave up that career in psychology, to empty bedpans. :palm:
No but he CAN have it from having to kill a child in self defense, where he will constantly question his decisions that night for the rest of his, in addition to facing trial for it.
Some do, yes. PTSD isn't something with that only goes through such and such symptoms or behaviors. It affects people and their actions differently.
He's trying to change peoples opinions about him, possibly as a way to help vindicate his actions in his own mind.

No, we're not. A lot of us don't even like talking to people about it.

Assuming you are right. Him signing autographs at a gun show, because you know, it's the very weapon he chose to take life is bad publicity which will hardly change public opinion. What will change public opinion is him not being in public and just remain incognito and allow his name to fade through the passage of time. With respect to your view on PTSD , sure some may have different symptoms but I'm merely stating common behavioural symptoms in studies of PTSD. As far as not talking about it to people, well yes I understand but bottling it up is partly the reasons some soldiers commit suicide and/or react violently to others.
Assuming you are right. Him signing autographs at a gun show, because you know, it's the very weapon he chose to take life is bad publicity which will hardly change public opinion. What will change public opinion is him not being in public and just remain incognito and allow his name to fade through the passage of time.
I never said it was a good idea, just that's likely his rationale.
As far as not talking about it to people, well yes I understand but bottling it up is partly the reasons some soldiers commit suicide and/or react violently to others.
It's because we don't think you'd understand. And honestly you probably wouldn't. Better to supress it, and just deal with the nightmares, and the paranoia. And with our good friend chepa booze, it get's a little easier.
I just don't see it as inherent. But whatever, I'm getting upset over nothing.

HI'm trying to get you to understand this is how society has defined "hero." All it took was the twin towers to fall and a year long of commercials playing that song "hero" to redefine heroism. I'm sur e when you tell people you served I'm sure they say "thank you for your service." It's called "following the herd" often times media helps redefine the opinions of people on certain matters subconsciously. You shouldn't get upset about it. Yes heroism is not inherent it is made I believe through actions where one forgoes the risk of his life for another.

It's like what Hoot said in black hawk down, it's "about the man next to you."
You would think he would stay off the radar but here is my theory:

1) Some white supremacist group is supporting him or is on "standby."

2) He is doing this to upkeep his significance

3) He is looking to make money due to legal fees

The argument that GZ suffers from PTSD is moot because normally people on PTSD are rather reclusive and even with cognitive therapy, folks with PTSD have some behavioural difficulties in public. The fact that he agreed to sign autographs demonstrates that he is not remorseful and that he is being celebrated to the joys of white supremacists everywhere cause he killed an unarmed "thug" who bested him in a 1 on 1 street fight.

Your number 1 theory sucks. White supremacist groups don't support half Latinos with Jewish sounding names. Seriously, get a grip. Number 3 isn't too bad of a guess I'd say.
I never said it was a good idea, just that's likely his rationale. It's because we don't think you'd understand. And honestly you probably wouldn't. Better to supress it, and just deal with the nightmares, and the paranoia. And with our good friend chepa booze, it get's a little easier.

Well booze is not the way my friend but you know your right. I can read the DSM-V to examine and diagnose but the real doctor is the person who suffers from it. Besides who am I to tell what another man should do, I have my own vices and demons. I just think in the case of GZ it's simply a bad PR move, assuming you're right about swaying public opinion
Well booze is not the way my friend but you know your right. I can read the DSM-V to examine and diagnose but the real doctor is the person who suffers from it. Besides who am I to tell what another man should do, I have my own vices and demons. I just think in the case of GZ it's simply a bad PR move, assuming you're right about swaying public opinion

I'm just saying, that's the thought process involved. Won't pretend it's a good one.
Yeah, somehow I don't feel that's something to aspire to. I dunno, maybe I have a difference concept of what a hero is.

That's just my opinion as an outsider. But I understand where you're coming from. You may recall that not too long ago a Pgh. cop's dog got shot in the line of duty and later died. The attention this got was way, way out of proportion. A parade for a dead dog, puh-leeze. But people defined the dog as a hero and that's how it played out.
Yup beating someone up is against the law

Actually you would have to prove that Trayvon attacked him. Neighbors hearing GZ doesn't necessitate that Trayvon was the aggressor. Unless an eyewitness saw the brawl it's mere speculation otherwise it's considered mutual combat. In most cases of mutual combat both parties can be charged, and besides, people can scream for help if someone is getting the best of them in a fight, it happens all the time. Especially at frat parties where a guy tries to "write a check his ass can't cash."
You would think he would stay off the radar but here is my theory:

1) Some white supremacist group is supporting him or is on "standby."

2) He is doing this to upkeep his significance

3) He is looking to make money due to legal fees

The argument that GZ suffers from PTSD is moot because normally people on PTSD are rather reclusive and even with cognitive therapy, folks with PTSD have some behavioural difficulties in public. The fact that he agreed to sign autographs demonstrates that he is not remorseful and that he is being celebrated to the joys of white supremacists everywhere cause he killed an unarmed "thug" who bested him in a 1 on 1 street fight.

Here is my theory, he needs the money, and he is an egomaniac.